Thame Townswomen’s Guild

Thame Townswomen’s Guild

Thame Townswomen’s Guild
The objects of this national organisation are:"To advance the education of women irrespective of race, creed and party so as to enable them to make the best contribution towards the common good. To educate such women in the principles of citizenship. To provide or assist the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation for such women in the interest of social welfare and with a view to improving their conditions of life". The Thame group meets at 7.15pm on the first Wednesday of every month at the Girl Guide Headquarters in Southern Road. Ladies of all ages are welcome to attend. You are welcome to come as a guest to get a taste of what we offer before you commit yourself to becoming a fully paid-up member. 01844 218769 , Girl Guide HQ, Southern Road, Thame, OX9 2DZ