21st Century Thame

Interests & Hobbies

21st Century Thame

21st Century Thame is a partnership between local volunteers and town and district councils, coming together to help ensure Thame stays vibrant and vi...

army cadet force
Cadet Building, Summersbee Court, Windmill Road, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 2FD

The Army Cadet Force is a national voluntary youth organisation for 12-18 year olds. Thame Detachment has been running for over 40 years, and today pr...

Phone Number
01869 259681
A Stitch in Thame

Inspired by the Great British Sewing Bee? Keen to try sewing? Or perhaps a seasoned sewer. Dust off your sewing box, pick up some new skills and meet...

Chair Caning & Rush Seating Classes
Christ Church, Upper High Street, Thame, Oxfordshire

Small friendly group meet on Thursdays 7pm-9pm

Phone Number
07709 715542
Chinnor Rifle & Pistol Club

Chinnor Rifle & Pistol Club has some of the finest indoor target shooting facilities in the south of England. The emphasis is on friendly fun in a...

Phone Number
01844 351347 (evenings)
Friends of the Earth

Chinnor & Thame Friends of the Earth is one of a network of more than 200 local groups across the country. We campaign on local and national envir...

Website URL
Phone Number
01844 352816
Girlguiding Thame
Guide Hut, Southern Road, Thame, OX9 2EE

Girlguiding in Thame, Oxfordshire is thriving with over 200 girls between the ages of 5 and 18 in our Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section. B...

Phone Number
07760 223790
Haddenham Ukulele
The Cross Keys, East Street, Thame OX9 3JS

HUM meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month 7.30-9.30pm at The Cross Keys, East Street, Thame OX9 3JS to play popular songs from the last 100...

Phone Number
Haddenham Ukulele Musos

Ukulele session Haddenham Ukulele Musos meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month except August 7.30-9.30pm in the upstairs room of The Cross Keys...

Phone Number
Hampden Lodge of Freemasons
Hampden Lodge. Thame Masonic Hall, 14 High St, Thame. OX9 2BZ

Hampden Lodge is a Freemasons lodge based in Thame, Oxfordshire. We meet five times a year, on a Friday, where we conduct various different ceremonies...

Website URL
Phone Number
Inner Wheel Club of Thame
Spread Eagle Hotel, Cornmarket, Thame, OX9 2BW

We are a small club, founded in 1970, with emphasis on Friendship, Fun and Fundraising. We enjoy coffee mornings, outings to interesting places both n...

Phone Number
01844 346159
Lord Williams’s Festival Chorus
Lord Williams's Upper School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon, OX9 2AQ

Enjoy singing? Why not join us - the chorus welcomes new members, who are keen to join a friendly choir, which is looking forward to an interesting an...

Phone Number
01844 218884
Our display at Henley Country Show
Guide Hut, Southern Road, Thame, OX9 2EP

We are a small, friendly, group who love making things in miniature and we meet in Thame in the evening of the second Monday of each month. Each year...

Motorsport Club
The Seven Stars, Stars Lane, Dinton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP17 8UL

Thame Motorsport Club was formed in 1961 and was originally called the Thame & District Car Club. The club is primarily involved in Rallying &...

Phone Number
0208 1234 040
Phoenix Community Club

We are a group based in Thame whose aim is to support the local community through charity work and volunteering projects.

PopUp Thame

Local ladies sharing their passion for good food and drink in a variety of places...

Phone Number
07595 495400 or 07747 095563
Ramblers – Thame & Wheatley

Our groups help local people enjoy walking and protect the places we all love to walk. Most groups organise regular walks led by local experts – a gre...

Phone Number
01844 213608
Red Kite Radio
Haddenham Garden Centre, Stanbridge Road, Haddenham, Bucks, HP17 8HN

Red Kite Radio (107.2 FM) is a not for profit radio station run for our community by a team of volunteers and a small number of paid employees. They o...

Phone Number
01844 299107
Rotary Club of Thame
The Spread Eagle Hotel, Cornmarket, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 2BW

Rotary is a worldwide organisation of men and women whose objectives are to provide humanitarian assistance, adhere to high ethical standards and help...

Phone Number
01844 352456
Royal British Legion – Thame Branch
Thame Sports Club, Chiltern Grove, Thame, OX9 3NH

Anyone is welcome to become a member, whether they have served or not.  Why join? Our members play a vital role in ensuring that the Royal British Leg...

Phone Number
07964 110246