Category: News

Make 20 the new 30

14th April 2022

The Town Council has received requests from residents to make areas of Thame 20 mph, please see the link to the 20mph project from Oxfordshire County Council. As part of the process, the Town Council will be discussing the requests for 20mph at a Full Council meeting on Tuesday 26 April 2022, and making a […]

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New bus service for Thame

14th April 2022

The new Thame town Service 121 commences on Tuesday 19 April 2022 until further notice, replacing parts of services 120 and 280. There will be a half-hourly service between Wenman Park (Warren Mead) and the town centre, and an hourly service via Towersey Drive and Cromwell Avenue which covers a longer spell of the day […]

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Thame for Ukraine

7th April 2022

There will be a meeting in the Town Hall at 6.30pm on Wednesday 13 April chaired by Cllr Paul Cowell, Mayor of Thame, which will aim to look at how best to coordinate support for any Ukrainian refugees that arrive in Thame in the coming weeks. If you are an individual or organisation in a position […]

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Annual Town Meeting 2022 Report

1st April 2022

Thank you to everyone who came along to Thame’s Annual Town Meeting on 22 March 2022. The minutes of the meeting are now available on our website. There were presentations on the Neighbourhood Plan successes and failures, Thame Green Living and Thame Youth Projects followed by an Open Forum where the hot topic was parking enforcement. Cllr […]

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Could you be a Town Councillor?

31st March 2022

Casual Vacancy Notice A vacancy has arisen in the North Ward for Thame Town Council which is to be filled by Co-option. This means anyone who meets the criteria can apply to be a councillor on Thame Town Council. The existing councillors will consider the applications and choose the new Councillor at a Full Council […]

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Town Council’s 2022-23 Grants Scheme now open

31st March 2022

Thame Town Council’s Grants Scheme is now open to local organisations in the Thame area. The scheme aims to fund projects that address the needs, aspirations, and issues of the people in our community. The Town Council are inviting local charitable organisations who are working for the benefit of Thame to apply for funding to […]

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Support for Ukraine from the Diocese of Oxford

24th March 2022

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Diocese of Oxford has joined Citizens UK as one of 20 strategic partners working together to resettle 1000 Ukrainian refugees before Easter. More than two million people have already fled Ukraine in what is being called the fastest growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War Two. The diocese will support a […]

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Thame supports Ukraine

18th March 2022

Thame Town Council stands by the people of Ukraine in the face of the invasion by Russia and our thoughts are with everyone affected by this action. Please be assured we will help in any way we can, working together with our local partners. Here is the link to the government’s local sponsorship scheme Homes for Ukraine where individuals […]

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Thame Town Council - Latest News

Annual Town Meeting 2022

10th March 2022

This year’s Annual Town Meeting is an opportunity for Thame residents to express their views and ask questions about any issue in the town. It is not a meeting of the Town Council, it’s a meeting of the electorate. Unlike normal Council meetings, you do not need to submit your questions beforehand, instead you can just […]

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Notice of Casual Vacancy – Thame North

4th March 2022

Public notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of:  James Tipping  A vacancy exists in the office of Town Councillor for: Thame Town Council (North Ward)   The vacancy will be filled by election if, within fourteen working days (excluding weekends) of the date of this notice, any ten local government electors for the […]

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Please help Thame support Ukraine

3rd March 2022

At Tuesday’s meeting of the Council, Deputy Mayor, Cllr Nigel Champken-Woods, who was chairing the meeting, made the following speech which was met with a round of applause from the members: “Along with the rest of our country, I am appalled at this baseless invasion on Ukraine and our thoughts are firmly with the people […]

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View Thame Town Council’s 2022-23 Precept Leaflet

28th February 2022

Thame Town Council has published its annual precept leaflet, which outlines the Town Council’s expenditure and gives details of what your council tax has and will be spent on in Thame. You can click the link to view the 2022-23 precept leaflet [PDF] or pick up a printed copy from Thame Information Centre. The precept […]

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