Category: News

Thame Fair

Thame Fair’s back!

20th August 2021

The Fair will be officially opened by the Mayor of Thame and representatives of the Showmen’s Guild at 4.00pm on Thursday 16 September 2021. Parking restrictions come into force at 7.00am on Wednesday 15 September on Wellington Street, North Street and Southern Road to assist with traffic flow ahead of the town centre road closure. […]

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Proposed changes to town centre parking

12th August 2021

Update at 26/8/21 After a lot of misinformation on social media earlier this week, the Town Council contacted Oxfordshire County Council for further details on their consultation regarding parking in the town. They have confirmed that once their proposals have been finalised they will carry out a full public engagement exercise, which is likely to take place […]

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Nominations are now open for the Thame Town Awards 2021

22nd July 2021

Do you know someone amazing who deserves recognition? Thame Town Awards are back and it’s time to celebrate our local unsung heroes! Do you know someone who lives, works, studies, or contributes to life in Thame that deserves a Town Award? If so, nominate them! You can make your nomination online via the Town Council’s […]

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Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2 Consultation

15th July 2021

Since July 2013, the Thame Neighbourhood Plan – the community’s vision for the future of the town – has been used to help guide the District Council in making their decisions on the majority of planning applications in Thame and Moreton. But many local people cannot afford to rent or buy a home where they […]

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Land at The Elms

15th July 2021

Image: © LDA Design Consulting Ltd. At a meeting of Thame Town Council on Monday 5 July 2021, it was agreed that the Town Council could not justify taking further action against the granting of planning permission P20/S0928/FUL (Land at The Elms, Upper High Street) by the District Council on 8 June 2021. Site / Application History […]

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Appointment of a Town Clerk

9th July 2021

Appointment of a Town Clerk (Full-Time) A unique leadership opportunity Salary Scale LC 4:  £50,451 – 54,323 Plus Local Government Pension Are you a strong leader; do you think strategically; have you built successful organisations; can you communicate well, delegate effectively, and make the difficult decisions? Then why not join us? Thame is a high […]

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Sponsor the 2021 Thame Town Awards

8th July 2021

The Thame Town Awards will be returning this year to celebrate individuals, groups, and businesses within Thame’s community, and we are looking for sponsorship from local businesses to support the awards. Given the relaxing of Covid-19 restrictions from 19 July, the Town Awards panel would like to hold an in-person awards ceremony which is likely […]

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A Public Artist appointed for Thame

8th July 2021

Thame Town Council is really excited to announce the successful appointment of Nicola Henshaw who will lead the way in implementing some new Public Art across Thame, funded by Section 106 monies.  Section 106 agreements raise money for infrastructure to support new housing developments. They are drawn up by SODC before they grant planning permission, so the […]

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New Community Youth Centre for Thame

1st July 2021

Thame Youth Projects’ partnership, with Thame Town Council, took an important step forward at a Joint Working Group meeting on 10th June. Following a competitive tendering process, Acanthus Clews Architect has been appointed to conduct a feasibility study into the best location for a new Community Youth Centre in Thame. The architects’ firm will review […]

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Town Council awards over £19,000 in grants to local community groups

1st July 2021

The Town Council received a recorded number of applications for the 2021-22 grant awards scheme and has awarded a total of £15,158 to community and non-for-profit projects, all of which will benefit the community of Thame. This is in addition to the annual grant to Citizen’s Advice Thame totalling £4,000. The following organisations received a […]

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Please help make Thame a safer place

24th June 2021

The Town Council has recently been made aware of the many difficulties encountered particularly by those using mobility scooters, wheelchairs and pushchairs, or those who are a bit unsteady on their feet, when there are hazards on footpaths. This can be anything from overhanging vegetation, an absence of dropped kerbs, potholes in footpaths, obsolete cycle […]

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Notice of Public Rights 2020-21

23rd June 2021

Thame Town Council has published its Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return – Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021. The notice can be viewed on the Town Council website, and Montesson Square Noticeboard. The public inspection period for the accounts is from Wednesday 23 June until […]

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