Defibrillators in Thame

By using a defibrillator before an ambulance arrives, you can significantly increase someone’s chance of survival. 

Click the button to find your nearest defibrillator

If you come across a person who is unresponsive, please commence CPR and have someone dial 999 immediately. Emergency services will direct the caller to the nearest defibrillator and give them the release code.

How to Use a Defibrillator

(Written instructions below)


How to Perform Chest Compressions (CPR)

Locations in Thame

Thame Town Council – High Street OX9 3DP

Masonic Hall – High Street OX9 2BZ

Waitrose – Greyhound Lane OX9 3ZD
(Mon-Sat 0900-1700, Sun 1100-1600)

Thame Barns Centre – Church Street OX9 3AJ

Thame Fire Station – Nelson Street OX9 2DP

Lord Williams’s Upper School, Rycotewood Building – Oxford Road OX9 2AQ

Brothers Hairdressing – Wall on Pump Lane OX9 3EP

Girl Guides – Southern Road OX9 2EP

Scout Headquarters – Southern Road OX9 2ED

Racquets Fitness – North Street OX9 3TH

Sprinz & Nash Vets – 23 Wellington Street OX9 3BW

Thame & District Housing Associaton – Windmill Road OX9 2DJ

Thame Sports Club – Chiltern Grove OX9 3NH

Lord Williams’s Sports Hall & Main Entrance Lower School – Towersey Road OX9 3NW

Chinnor Rugby Club Rectory Pavilion – Kingsey Road OX9 3JL

If your defibrillator is not on the above list, please let us know, and be sure to register your defibrillator with The Circuit – the national defibrillator network. If your defibrillator is not registered on The Circuit, ambulance services won’t be able to find it when it’s needed most.

How to Use a Defibrillator

1. Call 999
Call emergency services immediately.

2. Assess the situation
Ensure the safety of yourself and the victim.

3. Power on the defibrillator
Press the green button to turn on the defibrillator and follow the instructions.

4. Remove clothing
Remove any clothing or accessories from the victim’s chest.

5. Attach the pads
– Peel off the sticky pads and attach them to the person’s bare skin.
– The first pad should be on the person’s upper right side below the collar bone,
– The second pad should be on the person’s left side below and in line with the arm pit.

6. Analyse the heart rhythm
The defibrillator will analyse the victim’s heart rhythm.

7. Deliver a shock
ONLY if the defibrillator advises a shock, ensure everyone is clear and press the “shock” button.

8. Continue CPR
The defibrillator will tell you when to continue CPR.