Environmental Groups
Below is a listing of all the work being done by organisations and group in the local community to support our natural world
Thame Town Council
Find out more about the GLP, and the work being done to achieve it here.
Thame Green Living
Thame Green Living created the Green Living Plan – a 10 year plan for a greener, cleaner Thame. They work closely with Thame Town Council and are keen to hear from residents and businesses in Thame who want to play a part in creating a sustainable Thame for the future.
Find out more and get involved at www.thamegreenliving.org.uk
21st Century Thame
Chinnor & Thame Friends of the Earth
Chinnor & Thame Friends of the Earth is part of a movement creating a safer climate, flourishing nature, and healthy air, water and food, now and for future generations. They campaign for change in our community to make a difference to the environment locally, nationally, and globally.
Find out more and get involved by visiting www.chinnorthamefoe.org.uk
Thame COP
At the global ‘Conference Of The Parties’ countries from around the world come together in a united effort to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss. Thame COP 27 invites the ‘parties’ of Thame: businesses, schools, faith organisations and groups, to do the same.
Find out more, and get involved by visiting www.thamecop.co.uk
Cuttle Brook Conservation Volunteers
Cuttlebrook Nature Reserve is Thame’s award-winning nature reserve. It is maintained through the extensive work of the Cuttle Brook Conservation Volunteers (CBCV).
Find out more, and get involved by visiting cuttlebrook.org.uk
Green Crendon
Green Crendon is a local initiative, set up by a group of people who want to create a greener, more sustainable and climate resilient village and community.
For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/greencrendon
River Thame Conservation Trust
River Thame Conservation Trust is a grassroots charity working to protect and improve the River Thame and its tributaries, including the Cuttlebrook as it runs through Thame. Our mission is to achieve a river catchment with healthy fresh waters and wildlife, valued and enjoyed by local people. You can get involved through this link: MyImpactPage – River Thame Conservation Trust (betterimpact.com)
Lord Willliams’s School
Along with the primary schools in Thame, Lord Williams’s School has Eco clubs based on both the Lower School and Upper School sites. These groups meet regularly and create and deliver projects like the one outlined above. If you have a child at Lord Williams’s who would like to get involved, or you would like to support the club activities in any way then get in contact by emailing
If your children attend primary schools in Thame and want to get involved in Eco-activity then contact your school’s office to ask for more information.
Feature your group here.
If your group is taking specific action to help our local Environment and you would like it to be feature here, contact becky.reid@thametowncouncil.gov.uk