Thame Events
All upcoming events are displayed below. You can filter events by date using the Calendar or by category using the drop-down menu. If you’re looking for regular activities or groups, please head over to our Community Directory.
Thame’s Annual Festivals & Events
Town Council Schedule of Meetings

Snug – Warm Space
12/02/2025 - 26/03/2025
A free warm space with hot drinks, a place to chat, and traditional games. Wednesdays 11am-2pm Christchurch, High Street, Thame 12 February - 27 March
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Steve Lunn Author Talk
Join Steve Lunn at Thame Library for a fascinating talk about his debut novel: The Price of Dormice - a seriously comedic crime story set in Oxford, pitting environmental activists against a corrupt establishment. Tickets...
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Life and Beth – by Alan Ayckbourn
04/03/2025 - 08/03/2025
It’s Christmas and Beth Timms is mourning the recent death of her health and safety officer husband, Gordon. Beth’s sister-in-law, Connie, and son Martin have come to stay, determined to ensure that she should have...
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