Thame Events
All upcoming events are displayed below. You can filter events by date using the Calendar or by category using the drop-down menu. If you’re looking for regular activities or groups, please head over to our Community Directory.
Thame’s Annual Festivals & Events
Town Council Schedule of Meetings

Artists and Makers Fair
Exciting to have a new group of people taking part this month including David Rogers - ace wood turner.
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Lunchtime Concert
A series of FREE lunchtime concerts occurring on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 12:30 - 1:15 pm. Enjoy some music from local musicians in a beautiful surrounding, and bring your lunchtime sandwiches if...
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Author Talk with Colin Wade
*The Joys and Perils of Being an Author* Come along to Thame Library and listen to local Crime and Murder Mystery writer, Colin Wade, talk about his writing career, influences, and some of the things...
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Oasiz – 96 Unplugged Revisited
A tribute to one of the defining nights in Oasis history Imagine it’s 1996 and you are about to watch Oasis unplugged. But there’s something different this time… Liam has turned up! For one night...
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Thame Meadows Archaeology Talk
An illustrated talk by Chris Ellis, Senior Project Officer at Cotswold Archaeology, who co-directed the excavations at Thame Meadows.
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