Latest News

Thame welcomes its new Town Clerk

18th November 2021

Town Council councillors and staff were delighted to welcome Mandy Sturdy to the team when she started her new role on Monday. Mandy joins the Town Council from Lord Williams’s School, where she held the post of Head of Facilities for the last 13 years. Mandy commented ‘having lived in Thame for 11 years I […]

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We want to hear from you about Elms Park and Housing Needs

11th November 2021

Thame Town Council is currently running two surveys and would like to hear your thoughts. Elms Park improvements survey Thame Town Council’s Open Spaces Working Group (OSWG) is reviewing designs to deliver improvements to Elms Park. The park is an important component in the historic town centre and conservation area of Thame and the OSWG would […]

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Christmas in Thame 2021

8th November 2021

Look out for the Town Council’s ‘calendar of events’ booklet that will be delivered to homes in Thame over the next few weeks. It will take all month to get round the town, so don’t worry if you don’t get one straight away. Additional copies will also be available from the Information Centre in the […]

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David Reed leaves the Town Council’s team

8th November 2021

Last Friday (29th October) the Town Council said goodbye to another of their car parking attendants, David Reed who has been employed for the past 6 years working on Thursdays and Fridays, plus covering additional days as and when required. The Town Council would like to thank David for all his hard work and cheerful […]

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Parking Update – November 2021

5th November 2021

As many of you will know, from 1 November Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) have taken over parking enforcement in Thame. With the change to enforcement OCC are aware some people are raising concerns regarding outdated restrictions and impending enforcement in areas where they have become used to parking in contravention near to their homes and businesses. Working with Thame Town […]

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Revitalising Thame’s Green Spaces

8th October 2021

With nature under threat as never before, the volunteers of Thame Green Living, the architects of the Thame Green Living Plan (adopted and supported by Thame Town Council), have been busy putting into action some of the plan’s many ideas. Two projects underway, designed to improve Thame’s biodiversity and support pollinators and the natural world, […]

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One step closer to a Community Youth Centre for Thame

8th October 2021

At its meeting, on 5 October 2021, Thame Town Council reviewed an independent report, which recommended the best site for a new Community Youth Centre in Thame. Acanthus Clews Architect was commissioned, earlier in the year, to review all potential sites and to list their strengths and weaknesses. The review also benefited from community contributions, […]

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Have your say on our 2022-2023 Budget

30th September 2021

Thame Town Council has started work on setting its budget for 2022-23 and will be agreeing that budget at the Council meeting on 18 January 2022. The average household (i.e. Band D) currently contributes £3.14 per week (through the precept portion of Council Tax) towards the funding of all the projects, functions and services that […]

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Town Awards presented to Thame’s community

30th September 2021

After a 2½ year break, the twelfth Thame Town Awards ceremony took place on 29 September 2021 at Chinnor Rugby Club marquee, who kindly offered the venue free of charge for this community event. The Mayor of Thame, Cllr Paul Cowell welcomed this year’s winners and their guests, members of the Town Awards panel, councillors […]

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