Latest News

Make a Change – Become a Town Councillor

1st April 2021

Thame Town Council is calling on residents who are passionate about their community to stand in the local by-elections (Thame North Ward) on Thursday 6th May 2021. Please note, only residents in the Thame North Ward can vote in this election – view the Thame North Ward map here [PDF]. What do Councillors do? Councillors are […]

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Restoring the Richness of our Public Open Spaces

29th March 2021

Thame Town Council are embarking on an exciting new trial to help bring back the beauty and natural vitality of the public open spaces in and around the town. With 90% of our country’s meadows having been destroyed since the1930s, road verges have become an essential refuge for pollinators and other wildlife.   At the Community, […]

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Town Council’s 2021-22 Grants Scheme now open

29th March 2021

Thame Town Council’s Grants Scheme is now open to local organisations in the Thame area. The scheme aims to fund projects that address the needs, aspirations, and issues of the people in our community. The Town Council are inviting local charitable organisations who are working for the benefit of Thame to apply for funding to […]

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Notice of Election for the North Ward of Thame Town Council

22nd March 2021

South Oxfordshire District Council have confirmation that the required number of qualified electors from Thame North have called for a by election to take place on Thursday 6 May 2021. A Notice of Election can be viewed below. Please note that only electors in the Thame North Ward will be eligible to vote this in […]

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Stand up and be counted!

18th March 2021

Households across Oxfordshire are being asked to take part in Census 2021, a national survey that takes place once every ten years.    Census day is on March 21 and households have started receiving letters with online codes explaining how they can complete their forms. If you don’t get one in the next week, or […]

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Thame Outer Circuit

18th March 2021

The Thame Outer Circuit is a NEW walking route that is now available for you to enjoy, providing an approximately 20 mile circular walk in the countryside around and linked back to our town. It has been created thanks to the hard work and dedication of members of the Thame & Wheatley Ramblers to encourage walking in the countryside […]

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Annual Town Meeting 2021 update

11th March 2021

At Thame Town Council’s meeting last week, Members agreed to postpone the Annual Town meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday 30 March 2021 until after the County Council elections on 6 May 2021. There was concern that the Town Council could be in breach of the guidelines for the pre-election (Purdah) period which starts on 29 […]

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Help Cuttle Brook recover

4th March 2021

‘Please do not walk on Cuttle Brook Nature Reserve unless you really have no alternative.’ That is the message from the Reserve’s Management Team as they ask everybody to help the much-loved greenspace recover from heavy winter use.   The combination of a wet winter and increased use by a locked-down population has overwhelmed the […]

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