Latest News

Access to Thame Cricket Ground

27th August 2020

Thame Town Cricket Club is located on land leased from the Town Council next to St Mary’s Church in Thame in a conservation area. It comprises of the cricket ground, clubhouse, service yard, nets and car park. Thame Town Cricket Club is enclosed by a fence along the Aylesbury Road, St Mary’s Church burial ground […]

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Affordable homes for Thame people

27th August 2020

Thame Community Land Trust (Thame CLT) will be holding a public exhibition of the Trust’s plans for 31 new homes for purchase and rent.  The public exhibition will be held in the Upper Chamber at Thame Town Hall on Friday 4 September (2.00pm to 7.00pm) and Saturday 5 September (10.00am to 2.00pm). You are invited […]

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Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day

21st August 2020

On Saturday 15 August 2020 at 10.30 am Thame Town Council streamed a live memorial service from the War Memorial Gardens to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day (Victory in Japan Day). This day marks an important event in World War 2 – the day Japan surrendered to the Allies after almost six years […]

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Midsomer Tours return to Thame

19th August 2020

This month sees the return of the Midsomer guided walking tours of Thame for the first time since last year. Normally the tour season starts in April, but this hasn’t been possible this year because of the Coronavirus restrictions. The government has since given the tourism and hospitality industry permission to re-open, so Midsomer Tours […]

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Thame Fair

September Fair cancelled

13th August 2020

At the Town Council meeting on Tuesday 11 August 2020, Councillors voted unanimously, and regrettably, to cancel the Thame September Street Fair this year. This decision was made in the interests of the health and well-being of Thame’s residents and those of nearby villages who usually visit the Fair. Given the ongoing Covid-19 social distancing […]

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Show some Lockdown Love!

3rd August 2020

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, our Thame community has sprung into action. Neighbours are connecting and looking out for each other more than usual; informal support groups have organised to support people in need; charities, volunteer groups, businesses, churches and many others have all rallied together to support the town and its residents. Working together, […]

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Notice of Public Rights 2019-20

3rd August 2020

Thame Town Council has published its Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return – Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020. The notice can be viewed on the Town Council website and Montesson Square Noticeboard. The public inspection period for the accounts is from Monday 10 August until […]

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New Play Equipment at Southern Road Play Area

23rd July 2020

Last week saw the installation of a new inclusive roundabout to replace the old rotator bowl in the play area at Southern Road recreation ground. Pictured is the Mayor, Cllr Ann Midwinter, trying out the new equipment with her youngest grandson. Date posted: Thursday 23 July 2020

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Have Your Say on a new Youth Centre for Thame

23rd July 2020

This is an exciting time for Thame Youth Projects in partnership with Thame Town Council.  This month Thame Youth Projects start asking for people’s views and ideas about a Thame Youth Centre, to include community space for other activities. This is the first phase of the consultation to enable them to understand how the facility […]

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