Latest News

Thame’s Green Living Plan gets the green light

16th July 2020

On Tuesday 14 July at a virtual Full Council Meeting, Thame Town Council adopted the Green Living Plan.   It was resolved that: ‘Thame Town Council adopts the Green Living Plan on the understanding that the council take it forward in a manner that it can be delivered over time and within its means’. This […]

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Can you find the ten Monster Heroes hidden in Thame?

10th July 2020

Ten fun and friendly monsters are now hiding in the windows (or doors) of businesses in our town centre as part of a national ‘MonsterHero Safari’ that launched this week to support the NHS, whilst giving families a safe reason to return to the high street.   You will need a smartphone to participate and we suggest you start […]

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Thame Town Council Update – 9 July 2020

9th July 2020

Council Meetings: Thame Town Council has successfully conducted its business via virtual Full Council meetings since April, whilst it has not been safe to hold meetings in the Town Hall, and will continue to do so until we can safely hold face-to-face meetings again. We will be gradually reintroducing our committee meetings, starting with Planning […]

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Thame and District Day Centre adopts new name

3rd July 2020

An update from Thame Senior Friendship Centre: For the past 34 years Thame and District Day Centre, a registered Charity, has been a well loved and respected part of the Community of Thame. The Charity has experienced many changes during those 34 years. The most significant change before the current pandemic was the move to […]

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Thame Town Council Update – 25 June 2020

25th June 2020

Town Hall Offices The Government advice is still to work from home where possible, and the Town Council are actively encouraging our staff to adhere to that where they can. At the same time we are regularly reviewing the way we deliver our services and the wellbeing of our staff working from home. You will […]

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Car Parking Enforcement Returns in the Town Centre

11th June 2020

Thame Town Council’s parking attendants will all be returning to work from Monday 15 June 2020. This is a reminder that parking in the High Street car park is free but time limited to one hour with no return within an hour. Parking in the Upper High Street car park is also free but time […]

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Welcome back to the High Street!

5th June 2020

Thame Covid-19 Recovery Action Plan Since the start of lockdown, we are sure you will agree, the entrepreneurial spirit of small businesses in Thame has shone through. They have taken positive action to help themselves and help each other, defying the odds rather than rolling over in defeat. They have put community interest ahead of their own and […]

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Thame Town Council objects to planning applications

5th June 2020

At Thame Town Council’s virtual meeting on Tuesday 2 June 2020, the council recommended to object to the planning applications at The Land at The Elms (P20/S0928/FUL) and Unit 8 Goodson Industrial Mews (P20/S1355/FUL) on the grounds that they were both contrary to policies in the Thame Neighbourhood Plan. Thank you to everyone who joined […]

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Important Planning Applications to be considered next week

28th May 2020

Thame Town Council will be considering two important planning applications at a virtual council meeting on Tuesday 2 June at 6:30pm. The agenda can be viewed here, which includes details for joining the meeting. P20/S0928/FUL – Land at The Elms, Upper High Street P20/S1355/FUL – Goodson Industrial Mews, Unit 8, Wellington Street The Town Council […]

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