Latest News

Thame’s new Christmas Lights are switched-on!

12th December 2019

Thame’s brand new Christmas lights were switched-on on Friday 6 December 2019. Santa came to visit his Grotto (with gifts for those who’ve been good!) – he even brought two of his Reindeer, which visitors could feed and pet. A miniature steam train offered rides throughout the evening too. The Mayor, Cllr Ann Midwinter and […]

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Midsomer Tours Achieve Best Result Yet for Thame Good Causes!

11th December 2019

Thame’s Midsomer Walking Tours have had their best season yet with over 500 people taking the Midsomer tour of Thame during 2019. Many of the proceeds from ticket sales are donated to good causes in Thame, and this year £2,100 was shared between the Mayor’s Chosen Charity, Lord Williams’s School Young Carers, and Thame Museum, […]

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Thame’s Service of Remembrance 2019

14th November 2019

On Sunday 10 November 2019 there was a huge turnout for Thame’s annual Service of Remembrance in recognition of those who have given their lives for our country. The event started with a procession from Thame Town Hall, ending at the Memorial Gardens and included members of the Royal British Legion, Town Councillors, representatives from […]

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Can you ‘catch’ 24 runaway steam trains?

11th November 2019

Our ever-popular Christmas Town Trail returns for 2019! This year 24 steam trains are hiding in shop windows around the town centre on Buttermarket, Cornmarket, High Street, Upper High Street, East Street, North Street, Swan Walk, Friday Court and Greyhound Walk. The Town Trail will open on Tuesday 12 November and run until Monday 2 […]

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Remembrance Sunday – 10 November 2019

7th November 2019

The Service of Remembrance will be taking place at Thame Memorial Gardens on Sunday 10 November 2019. The procession, which will include Town Councillors, members of the Royal British Legion, other community groups and a lone piper, will assemble outside the Town Hall at 10.30am ready to proceed to the War Memorial.  Due to success […]

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Christmas is coming…

17th October 2019

Thame’s Annual Christmas Light Switch-on event will take place this year on Friday 6th December. The event officially kicks off at 4pm when Santa returns to his Grotto. Once again he is bringing two adorable reindeer that visitors to the event can feed and pet. His authentic sleigh will be available for those all-important family festive […]

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Retiring Town Clerk Graham Hunt (pictured left) and new Town Clerk Jayne Cole (pictured right)

Introducing Thame’s new Town Clerk

17th October 2019

Thame Town Council is pleased to announce that Jayne Cole has been selected as the new Town Clerk for Thame, to replace the retiring Town Clerk, Graham Hunt. Jayne is CiLCA qualified and has a strong background in the Town and Parish sector, running an independent business for the last 6 years providing advice, support and training […]

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Have your say on our 2020/21 Budget

14th October 2019

Thame Town Council has started work on setting its budget for 2020-21 and will be agreeing that budget at the Council meeting on 21 January 2020. The average household (i.e. Band D) currently contributes £2.98 per week (through the precept portion of Council Tax) towards the funding of all the projects, functions and services that […]

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