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  • 29 January 2013 – Minutes

    THAME TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting of the Culture, Leisure & Recreation Committee held on 29 January 2013 at 7.30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall. ________________________________________________________________________ Present: Cllrs N G Champken-Woods (Town Mayor), N M Dixon (Chairman), M L Dyer, A Gunn, V F Humphries, P Lambert (Deputy Mayor), D A Laver and M Stiles (Vice Chairman). Non-Voting Cllr A Dite Officers Mrs H Stewart, Town Clerk Mrs A Oughton, Committee Services Officer Mrs C Pinnells, Community Services Manager Mr R Goss, Project Officer 1 Apologies for Absence An apology for absence was received from Cllr Bretherton…

  • 19 March 2013 – Minutes

    THAME TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting of the Culture, Leisure & Recreation Committee held on 19 March 2013 at 7.30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall. Present: Cllr N G Champken-Woods (Town Mayor), A Dite, N M Dixon (Chairman), M L Dyer, A Gunn, V F Humphries, P Lambert (Deputy Mayor), D A Laver and M Stiles (Vice Chairman). Officers Mrs H Stewart, Town Clerk Mr R Goss, Project Officer Mrs C Pinnells, Community Services Manager Mrs A Oughton, Committee Services Officer 1 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bretherton (Holiday) and Emery (Business)….

  • 9 April 2013 – Minutes

    …Term Corporate Bonds (FTCBs) as detailed in the report to maximise interest at minimal risk. Item 16 – IT Software RESOLVED: i) That the purchase of the Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard software at a cost of £1228 be met from the General Fund. 11 Culture, Leisure & Recreation Committee The minutes of the meetingheld on 19 March 2013 were noted. 12 Planning and Environment Committee The minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2013 were noted. 13 Personnel Committee The minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2013 were noted. Item 8 – Sabbatical RESOLVED: i)…

  • Young Entrepreneurs Get Expert Advice

    …try new ideas. Entrepreneurs don’t all have to come from one place, you can start your journey by doing something different. The markets have changed dramatically in recent years, and clients are challenging us to find people who can show talent, ideas and innovation.’ The Young Entrepreneurs Competition was sponsored by CarmichaelUK, a specialist recruitment company serving the construction industry since 1995, with three UK offices, including a head office in Thame. For more information about Small Business Saturday, visit For more information about the Young Entrepreneurs Competition, contact Helen Johns at or on 0771 743 4983….

  • Thame Community Larder Update

    After the emergency arrangements for the Community Larder during the spring and summer, a new model of operation launched at Christchurch on Thursday 3 September 2020. Full risk assessments have been completed and special hygiene and social distancing measures put in place to ensure that it is as safe as possible. What is a community larder? A membership programme that provides: Surplus food from wholesalers & supermarkets Access to utility discounts and social tariffs Local business discounts Little larder club Meet new people in a friendly environment The Community Larder in Thame Starts on Thursday 3 September 2020, then every…

  • Home

    Welcome to Thame Town Council Welcome to the website of Thame Town Council. Here you will find everything you need to know about the opportunities, events and services available to residents and visitors of our community….

  • Thame Showground

    …being apprehended. If it is after the event then it is also critical to report, so that the true picture can be established by the police, and they can allocate available resources accordingly. After the event, if you’ve witnessed the aftermath, then you should use the police non-emergency system – 101 or on-line at Let’s all hope that not many reports need to be made. Thank you for your support, which will help reduce both the reality and the perception, and make us all feel a little safer. Image credit: NPAS Benson – Date: Monday 7 August 2017….

  • New signs are Welcome to Thame

    …its logo and this has also been included in the new signs. For more information about the flag and crest, and the symbols they contain visit Putting Thame on the map With previous sign locations, commuters travelling past Thame from Aylesbury to Oxford could have no idea about the beautiful, historic market town that lies behind a fairly uninspiring ring-road. However the new location of the Gateway signs means that everyone travelling past will know they have arrived at Thame, and that it is a Historic Market Town. The hope is that it will encourage them to come in…

  • Emergency Alerts system launch – 23 April

    …one-way. They do not reveal anyone’s location or collect personal data. Some vulnerable groups may want to opt out of the emergency alerts system, however the government strongly recommends that people do not opt out of the service, as it is intended to warn people when lives are in danger. The government has produced a toolkit to help councils communicate key messages as part of the Emergency Alerts campaign. A UK-wide alerts test will take place in the early evening of 23 April which will see people receive a test message on their mobile phones. Announcement: More information:…

  • Midsomer Tours Achieve Best Result Yet for Thame Good Causes!

    …derived from an original tour idea developed by museum trustee David Dodds, and are held under the auspices of 21st Century Thame, an organisation bringing together local businesses, community groups and councils to help keep Thame vibrant and viable as a market town. The Museum relies on funding in order to make acquisitions, create and market new events and exhibitions, and maintain the building and its infrastructure. Visit Thame Museum at 79 High Street, Thame, OX9 3AE, or at Pictured: (TOP) Cheques for £1050 being presented to the Mayor of Thame, Cllr Ann Midwinter – for her 2019 chosen…

  • H R H, Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh

    …Covid-19, a Book of Condolence is not available at the Town Hall. An online Book of Condolence is available at In accordance with protocol and as a mark of respect the Union Flag, at the Town Hall and Memorial Gardens, will fly at half mast. As a mark of respect, civic engagements, committee meetings and events will begin with a period of silence. Due to Covid-19, people will be discouraged to lay flowers during this time. People should make donations if they so wish, nobody should feel obliged to donate during this emergency. The Duke of Cambridge has recently…

  • Midsomer Walks Tall in Thame

    …Thame Museum (79 High Street, Thame, OX9 3AE), one of the filming locations, taking in many locations in the town centre. We hope these tours will add a new facet to tourism in the town, attracting more visitors from the UK and overseas to the historic town of Thame.’ Tickets cost £7.50 each and may be purchased online at Alternatively, you can simply turn up on the day and pay the guide. Part of the proceeds from Midsomer tours goes to Thame Museum and other charitable causes. For more information please visit Date posted: Thursday 4 May 2017….