Agendas & Minutes
A new committee structure was implemented from 14th May 2024. Agendas and minutes from our former committees can be accessed via the links at the bottom of this page.
Annual Town Meeting
The Annual Town Meeting is a meeting of the town electors and provides an opportunity to celebrate local activities and debate current issues in the community.
Community Services
The Community Services Committee is responsible for all matters relating to community, events, communications, town vibrancy, and customer service.
Corporate Governance
The Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for overseeing the management of the Council’s finances, policies, procedures, offices, information, and legal matters.
Environment & Assets
The Environment & Assets Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining the Council’s assets and open spaces and progressing environmental projects.
Full Council
Full Council meetings are where all 16 Councillors meet on a regular basis to agree all the major policies of the Council, the budget and council tax.
The Personnel Committee is responsible for making decisions about all staffing matters, subject to budget and expenditure limits decided by Council, and developing and agreeing personnel policies and practices relating to salaries, recruitment, grades, conditions, health & safety, and pensions.
The Planning Committee makes recommendations on all planning applications and leads on planning, the built environment and related policy, and monitors the impact and delivery of the Neighbourhood Plan.