04 February 2025 – Minutes (draft)


Minutes of a Meeting of the Community Services Committee held on 4 February 2025 at 6.30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.


Cllrs P Cowell (Chairman), D Dawson (Deputy Mayor), A Dite, H Dollman, M Dyer, A Gilbert (Town Mayor), C Jones and S McGarry.


M Sturdy, Town Clerk
C Pinnells, Community Services Manager
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer


1) Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Champken-Woods (personal) and Emery (personal).

The committee accepted the apologies and reason given from Cllrs Champken-Woods (personal) and Emery (personal).

Cllr Bretherton was absent without apology.


2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

There were no declarations of interest or dispensations.


3) Public Participation and Public Questions

There were no applications to address the Committee.
There were no questions put to the Committee.


4) Minutes

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 10 September 2024 were received.


  1. The minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.


5) Budget Summary

Cllr Gilbert entered the meeting during this item.

Members received the Budget Summary up to 31 December 2024.

It was noted that the Christmas Event budget line expenditure was overspent. The Community Services Manager explained the various expenditures for the event, and noted that the significant income generated had offset the overspend. The committee commended the offering of the 2024 Christmas Event.


6) Christmas Lights Working Group

The committee received the report on the tender progress. The Community Services Manager provided a verbal update and reported that the current contractor would not be retendering. The committee hoped there would be a good number of tenders to consider.


7) Policies

The committee received the following six policies which were presented with no / minor change:

a) Holding an Event on Thame Town Council Land

It was noted that Section 2 of the policy needed updating with the new committee name.

Clarification was sought on the policy of commercial activities. Whilst the policy states commercial activities will not be considered, in reality these activities are difficult to monitor and the Town Council is not always notified.

b) Partnership Working – A Code of Practice

It was clarified that this policy acts as a comprehensive guide to Officers when forming new partnerships.

c) Promotional Signs

It was questioned how much the policy reflected reality. The policy helps Officers and the Maintenance Team to manage signage for both council and non-council events.

d) Sponsorship

e) Structures on the Highway

f) Town Twinning


It was agreed to take all policies in one vote.


  1. To re-adopt the following policies: Holding an Event on Thame Town Council Land, Partnership Working – A Code of Practice, Promotional Signs, Sponsorship, Structures on the Highway, and Town Twinning.


8) Thame Fair

The committee received the report on the September and October 2024 town fairs. Both fairs had been positive, with a smoother pull-on, minimal complaints, and no medical issues, although some vehicles were not cleared on set-up day despite signage. Footfall has been falling since 2021. Councillors were thanked for their assistance with sound monitoring.

There had not been any issues with anti-social behaviour this year, with thanks given to the security services and police for their presence at the events.

Regarding the October Fair, footfall is not monitored. Whilst the Fair may not be profitable, the Showmen’s Guild are keen to maintain the Charter Fair. It was suggested that the October Fair should be reviewed, although falling footfall numbers may influence the Guild’s stance.


9) Thame Art Crawl feedback

The committee received the report on Thame Art Crawl (15-19 October 2024).

The 2024 Thame Art Crawl had been very positive, offering an increased number of artists and venues, and gratefully sponsored again by Lightfoots. The efforts of the Communications & Events Officer (maternity cover) had been well received by residents and artists.

The 2025 event will be increased to cover two weekends in order to further increase engagement given the amount of planning involved, with two additional venues already interested in being involved.


10) Christmas in Thame feedback

The committee received report on the events held to celebrate Christmas in Thame in 2024.

The Christmas Lights Switch-On event was another positive event for the community. Offering sponsorship packages not only helped the event to more than wash its face but also rebuilt relationships with local businesses. The revised stage position worked well. Feedback from the public will be taken on board, such as repositioning the stage speakers and giving the Concert Band microphones to improve audio.


11) Event and Premises Licence

The Community Services Manager requested that this item be deferred to a later meeting to enable officers additional time to obtain relevant information to ensure town council outdoor events comply licencing requirements and legislation.


12) 80th Anniversary of VE Day and VJ Day

It was noted that the 80th Anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day and Victory over Japan (VJ) Day will take place on 8 May 2025 and 15 August 2025 respectively.

The committee received suggestions from the community for ideas to commemorate the 80th anniversaries. There had been feedback last year that the Town Council should have done more to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Various suggestions were put forward: street parties, wreath laying, engagement with the schools and Museum, beacon lighting with a wartime guest, flag flying, and a wartime singer.

Overall, there was a feeling that the Town Council should respectfully mark the occasion but that a large event on a school day may not be justified. It was likely that the local Royal British Legion would need the Town Council’s support to deliver any event. The committee supported the flying of the flag, a beacon lighting and facilitating partnership projects between other organisations.

It was agreed that the Community Services Manager would establish which of the committee’s suggestions could work and progress via email.


13) Taste of Thame 2025

The committee received an update on the plans for Taste of Thame on Saturday 24 May 2025. The 2024 event had been a positive event and raised £500 for Sharing Life Trust.

Cllrs Cowell, Dollman, McGarry and Jones volunteered to help with this year’s event.


14) Thame Carnival

The committee were asked to suggest ideas for the Town Council’s float in Thame Carnival on Saturday 14 June 2025.

With the event falling between the 80th anniversaries of Victory in Europe (VE) Day and Victory over Japan (VJ) Day, the committee felt that a theme of ‘Peace and Love’ would be appropriate.


15) Thame Pride

The committee received a report on the plans for Thame Pride on Saturday 21 June 2025.

Cllr Dawson reported that the response from Thame’s community had been heartening and the amount of talent in Thame was staggering, with a number of organisations working in partnership to deliver the event.


16) Communications and Community Engagement Report

The committee received a report on Town Council communications and community engagement.

Highlights from the report include the Thame Calendars selling out, the Town Guide being redesigned to maximise content and page layout and covering its cost, and over 5,000 people using the ‘LinkTree’ bus timetables link. Communications recently had focused on responding to Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2 (TNP2) matters and fact checking. Demand for printed bus timetables continues.

It was noted that the two Remembrance complaints related to timing at the event.

It was noted that communications should cater for residents who do not use the internet. Printing the newsletter for the Information Centre and noticeboard weekly is currently being trialled. Subject to printing costs, the newsletter could be printed for wider distribution at key locations around the town.

The committee expressed their thanks to the Customer Services Officer and Communications & Events Officer (maternity cover) for their report and ongoing work, noting in particular the improvements made to Town Council communications.


17) Fees and Charges

The committee received a report on the proposed Schedule of Charges for 2025-26 for the hire of the Upper Chamber, Meeting Room and Southern Road Recreational Ground.

Officers have compared Town Council fees with other local hire fees, and recommend that fees should not be increased, noting that the Upper Chamber heating needs solving before an increase in cost can be justified.


  1. That the charge for hiring the Upper Chamber remains at £27.00 (commercial) per hour and at £16.00 (non-commercial) per hour.
  2. That the charge for hiring SRRG football pitch remains at £20.00 per game (inclusive of VAT).
  3. As per the “Holding an Event on Thame Town Council Land Policy”, a fee of £20 (plus VAT) per hour is charged subject to a decision from the Town Clerk or Community Services Committee.


18) Thame Alliance Group

The committee received the minutes of the Thame Alliance Group on 8 October 2024.

The Thame Alliance Group had also met earlier today. Over 15 organisations were represented, and the meeting provided a great opportunity to network and support each other. Discussions cover a range of topics including domestic abuse, warm spaces and healthcare support. Citizens Advice have been able to secure a town centre location for their temporary office, with support from the Town Council and Thame Library for meeting space for appointments.

Councillors were encouraged to attend the quarterly meetings.


19) Policing in Thame

The committee received an update on the latest matters for policing in Thame. It was noted that the category of domestic instances encapsulates a wide range of issues hence a higher number.

It was noted that the presence of the Police Constable at Thame Market and around the town has been well received by residents.


20) Banking Hub

The committee received an update on progress towards a Banking Hub in Thame.

A leaflet has been designed to publicise the survey, which will gather data to demonstrate the need for a banking hub in Thame and will run throughout February.

The survey will be publicised widely with residents, businesses (particularly smaller and independent ones), neighbouring parishes, schools and churches.

Thanks were given to Helen Johns, the Community Services Manager and Junior Administration Assistant.


21) Defibrillators

The committee received an update on the proposal for Thame Town Council to take over the administration and management of Thame’s defibrillators.

Defibrillators have a 10-year life expectancy and cost approximately £1,300 to replace. Of the eight to potentially be transferred to the Town Council, six are approaching the 10-year mark. All defibrillators are otherwise in good order with good battery life. The Staying Alive group, which has now disbanded, has £4,000 for maintenance which can be transferred to the Town Council.

There was some discussion regarding the maintenance and replacement requirements of the defibrillators, and whether the Town Council should take on all eight.


  1. That Thame Town Council become responsible for the Staying Alive Defibrillators Administration and Management.


22) Lord Williams’s School

It was noted that the Town Council will be having a stand at the FutureFest event on 26 February 2025. The Community Services Manager is arranging a rota based on Councillor availability.

It was noted that ACE week will be 7-11 July 2025. Councillors are asked to be available this week to assist with Lord Williams’s School’s off-timetable activities.


23) Items for Information

The committee noted the following:

  1. Music in the Park – the accounts for 2023-24.
  2. Skate Park event – Theo’s Skate Jam will take place on 12 July 2025.
  3. Information Centre Leaflets – the Town Council has applied for grant funding from the District Council’s Economic Development team to print more leaflets for the Information Centre.
  4. Street Food Market – the monthly Street Food Markets (March-October) will now take place on Saturdays rather than Fridays due availability of the organiser.
  5. Vegan Market – the Community Services Manager is supporting the organiser of Thame’s first Vegan Market on 22 March 2025.
  6. Thame Charter Market – the market will be given two rent-free weeks in 2025 due to the last two markets of 2024 falling on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
  7. CCTV report – the CCTV report for 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024.


The meeting concluded at 7:47pm


Signed ………………………………                Date ………………………..
