16 July 2024 – Agenda


TO: All Members of the Community Services Committee

Cllrs D Bretherton, N Champken-Woods, P Cowell (Chairman), A Dite, H Dollman, M Dyer, L Emery (Deputy Chairman), C Jones and S McGarry.

Ex Officio (Voting) Members – A Gilbert (Town Mayor) and D Dawson (Deputy Mayor)

To all other Members for information

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Community Services Committee on Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 6.30pm in the Upper Chamber (Thame Town Hall) for the transaction of business as set out on the attached agenda.


Mandy Sturdy
Town Clerk of the Council

Date: Wednesday 10 July 2024



1) Apologies for Absence


2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

To notify of any items that appear in the agenda in which there may be an interest that has not been recorded in the Member’s Register of Interest; and confirmation of any relevant dispensations.


3) Public Participation and Public Questions

To consider applications from members of the public to address the Committee (5 minutes maximum), in respect of any item of business included in the agenda.  Applications to speak must have been received by the Town Clerk no later than 5pm on the last working day preceding the meeting.

To consider questions from members of the public (who live, work or run a business in the Parish).  Written questions must have been received by the Town Clerk no later than 4pm on the last working day preceding the meeting.


4) Minutes

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Community, Leisure & Recreation Committee Meeting held on 20 February 2024.

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Community Services Committee Meeting held on 14 May 2024.

Minutes – 20 February 2024

Minutes – 14 May 2024


5) Budget Summary

To monitor actual income and expenditure against estimates.

5. Community Services Budgetary Figures to May 2024 [PDF]


6) Recent Events – Feedback

To receive feedback and consider any relevant actions relating to recent Town Council events:

  1. Taste of Thame (Saturday 25th May 2024)
  2. D Day 80th Commemorations (Thursday 6th June 2024 – Lamp Light of Peace, and Saturday 8th June 2024 – support for Vintage Afternoon Tea)
  3. Unveiling of War Memorial Plaques (Tuesday 11th June 2024)
  4. Healthy Thame Fayre (Saturday 22nd June 2024) – verbal update from Cllr Gilbert

6a. Report – Taste of Thame [PDF]

6b. Report – D-Day 80th Anniversary [PDF]

6c. Report – Unveiling of War Memorial Plaques Event [PDF]


7) Upcoming Events – Update

To receive an update and consider any relevant actions relating to upcoming Town Council events:

  1. Town Awards (Thursday 18th July 2024)
  2. Thame Art Crawl (Tuesday 15th – Saturday 19th October 2024)

7a. Report – Town Awards 2024 [PDF]

7b. Report – Thame Art Crawl 2024 [PDF]


8) Thame Pride 2025

To note significant initial community support for a Thame Pride event.

To support, in principle and subject to an event proposal with costings, for a Thame Pride event to be held in June 2025.

To approve that Officers provide administrative support to Cllr Dawson in establishing the feasibility and interest for a Thame Pride event in June 2025, in order to present an event proposal to a future meeting of this committee.

8. Report – Thame Pride 2025 [PDF]


9) Events on Town Council land

To note the following:

  1. Thame Carnival took place on Saturday 15th June 2024. Thame Town Council’s float, which celebrated its 50th year, was chosen as the winning entry.
  2. Music in the Park – the date for 2025 has been set by the MitP committee as Sunday 4 May 2025.
  3. Theo’s Skate Jam – Saturday 27th July 2024, 12pm-5pm at Thame Skatepark.
  4. Summer of Skate – Wednesday 31 July 2024, 10am-1pm and Thursday 15th August 2024, 2pm-5pm at Thame Skate Park.
  5. Thame Concert Band playing at Elms Park – date to be confirmed of either Saturday 10th or 17th August 2024.

9b. Music in the Park 2025 Sunday 4 May [PDF]


10) Thame Fair

To authorise the signing and sealing of the 3-year Thame Fair agreement as recommended by the Fair Working Group.

To receive the event management plan and risk assessment for the 2024 fairs.

To note the dates of the September and October Fairs:

  • September Street Fair, Thursday 19th – Saturday 21st September 2024
  • October Charter Fair, Friday 11th & Saturday 12th October 2024

10. Report – Thame Fairs [PDF]

10a. Appendix 1 – Fair Agreement 2024- 3 year Agreement with 2 year extension [PDF]

10b. Appendix 2 – Fair Corporate 2024 [PDF]

10c. Appendix 3 – Fair Event 2024 [PDF]


11) Christmas in Thame

To receive an update on preparations for the Christmas Lights Switch-On on Friday 29 November 2024.

11. Report – Christmas in Thame 2024 [PDF]


12) Communications & Community Engagement Report

To receive a report on Town Council communications and community engagement.

12. Report – Communications and Community Engagement [PDF]


13) Economic Development & Town Centre Vibrancy

  1. Blue Plaques – To receive a report and consider a request for funding towards a film tribute to John Henry Clavell Smythe QC MBE OBE, and to support the installation and associated administration for a blue plaque in 2025/26.
  2. Phone Box Refurbishment – To receive an update.
  3. Water Refill Station (Town Hall) – To receive an update.
  4. Midsomer Murders – To note Officers are updating the Town Council website to facilitate the Midsomer Murders leaflet to be downloaded in German.

13a. Report – Tributes to Johnny Smythe [PDF]


14) Community Support & Networks

  1. To receive the minutes of the Thame Alliance Group meeting on 4 June 2024.
  2. To receive a verbal update on the Town Council’s involvement with Lord Williams’s School’s ACE Week (w/c 8 July 2024).

14a. TAG Minutes 04.06.24 [PDF]

14b. Report – Lord Williams School ACE Week [PDF]


15) Community Safety

  1. To receive an update on CCTV and consider any relevant actions.
  2. To receive a verbal update on the progress towards the implementation of the Public Spaces Protection Order in Cuttle Brook Nature Reserve.
  3. To note that, following a request from the residents who currently administer some of Thame’s defibrillators, officers are exploring the feasibility and administration required for Thame Town Council to oversee the management of some of Thame’s defibrillators. It is not expected that there would be any costs other than officer time, and a report will be presented to the next meeting of this committee for consideration.

15a. Report- CCTV [PDF]

15b. Report – PSPO in Cuttle Brook Nature Reserve [PDF]