16 July 2024 – Minutes (draft)


Minutes of a Meeting of the Community Services Committee held on 16 July 2024 at 6.30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.


Cllrs D Bretherton, N Champken-Woods, P Cowell (Chairman), A Dite, H Dollman, M Dyer, L Emery (Deputy Chairman), A Gilbert (Town Mayor), C Jones and S McGarry.


M Sturdy, Town Clerk
C Pinnells, Community Services Manager
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer
A Slater, Business Administrator Apprentice


1) Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Dawson (personal).              


2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

There were no declarations of interest or dispensations.


3) Public Participation and Public Questions

There were no applications to address the Committee.
There were no questions put to the Committee.


4) Minutes

The Minutes of the Community, Leisure & Recreation Committee Meeting held on 20 February 2024 were received.

The Minutes of the Community Services Committee Meeting held on 14 May 2024 were received.


  1. The minutes of the Community, Leisure & Recreation committee meeting held on 20 February 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.
  2. The minutes of the Community Services committee meeting held on 14 May 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.


5) Budget Summary

Members received the Budget Summary up to 31 May 2024.

Budget Line: 105 Christmas Events – It was clarified that the Christmas Lights contract, due for renewal next year, currently costs around £19,000 annually. Sponsorship options are being explored to offset costs.  

Budget Line: 203 Allotments – It was clarified that the rate increase had been rejected by the Community, Leisure & Recreation committee as the Stones Close Allotment Society provide efficient and important administrative to the Town Council.


6) Recent Events – Feedback

The reports were noted.

a) Taste of Thame (Saturday 25th May 2024)

Members agreed the event had been a great success and thanked the team who organised it. There was a suggestion to reduce the size of the event map to make it easier to carry. There was another suggestion to close Butter Market on a more permanent basis to enhance town centre vibrancy. After a short discussion it was agreed to keep the event on the Saturday of the late May bank holiday weekend.


  1. To approve that Taste of Thame be held on Saturday 24 May 2025.
  2. To approve officer time to support the delivery of Taste of Thame.

b) D Day 80th Commemorations (Thursday 6th June 2024 – Lamp Light of Peace, and Saturday 8th June 2024 – support for Vintage Afternoon Tea)

It was noted that the Lamp Light of Peace, as approved by the Council and Royal British Legion, which was displayed in the Town Hall Upper Office window, had received mixed feedback on social media. A beacon lighting had not been possible due to the late sunset at that time of year.

c) Unveiling of War Memorial Plaques (Tuesday 11th June 2024)

Thanks were given to Town Council Officers and Thame Remembers.

The event went well, with an issue on the day which was dealt with. Cllr David Bretherton requested a full report on the incident, and shared the news of a letter from HRH Duke of Gloucester expressing thanks and well wishes. 

Cllr Mike Dyer requested amendments to be made to the report to recognise the contributions and attendance of the Senior Commonwealth War-Graves, Senior Lord Williams’s School (LWS) Students, St Joseph’s Students and Army Cadets.

Referencing the report, when will the event video be published and what are the intentions with it? Will it be on Thame Town Council and Thame Remember’s websites?

A fixed date was requested for the full wash up meeting.

In relation to the aforementioned incident, Cllr Dyer   put forward a motion that the Town Clerk makes a formal complaint to the Electoral Commission. A complaint about the incident has already been sent to the organisation being represented.


  1. Thame Town Council makes a formal complaint to the Electoral Commission in relation to an incident involving a representative associated with a political party at the Unveiling of the War Memorial event on 11 June 2024.

d) Healthy Thame Fayre (Saturday 22nd June 2024)

20 organisations attended the first Healthy Thame Fayre, which had been established through the Patient Participation Group at Rycote Practice, and organised in partnership with the Town Council, with thanks to Officers who enabled the road closure at short notice. Lessons had been learnt if the event is to be repeated. Any surplus funds from the event were donated to the Mayor’s charities.


7) Upcoming Events – Update

The reports were noted.

a) Town Awards (Thursday 18th July 2024)

It was noted that one candidate had received a substantial number of nominations. This was not an issue as the panel consider the quality of nominations over the quantity. There was a suggestion to redefine the categories, such as amending the sports category to Sporting Contribution or Achievement.

b) Thame Art Crawl (Tuesday 15th – Saturday 19th October 2024)

There was no discussion.


8) Thame Pride 2025

The report was noted. It was also noted that significant initial community support for a Thame Pride event.

The Town Clerk requests Officer support for Thame Pride, sharing that there has been significant support from the community and local businesses.

It was questioned whether it will be funded by Council Budgeting or Sponsorships. The Town Clerk shares that it is very early stages of the event, but that some organisations have suggested they may be able to provide sponsorship.

It was questioned if a steering group from councillors is wanted and what is expected from Councillors. The Town Clerk expresses that nothing is expected from Councillors at present just Officer time.

Support was expressed for the event, however queries were raised as to how pride was defined. It was also suggested that Councillors should be consulted before any financial involvement is required, and that research should be carried out into any lessons from other similar local events.

Some Councillors felt they needed more information in order to support the event in principle.


  1. To support, in principle and subject to an event proposal with costings, for a Thame Pride event to be held in June 2025.
  2. To approve that Officers, provide administrative support to Cllr Dawson in establishing the feasibility and interest for a Thame Pride event in June 2025, in order to present an event proposal to a future meeting of this committee.


9) Events on Town Council Land

The following were noted:

a) Thame Carnival took place on Saturday 15th June 2024. Thame Town Council’s float, which celebrated its 50th year, was chosen as the winning entry.

b)Music in the Park – the date for 2025 has been set by the MitP committee as Sunday 4 May 2025.

It was suggested that the Town Council should have sight of the Music in the Park accounts, given they are given free use of Elms Park and it is a gated ticketed event. Music in the Park is a not-for-profit organisation with any profits given to charities. Music in the Park cover the costs of operational support from the Town Council. It was agreed that any request for financial information should be done consistently with other organisations.

c) Theo’s Skate Jam – Saturday 27th July 2024, 12pm-5pm at Thame Skatepark.

d) Summer of Skate – Wednesday 31 July 2024, 10am-1pm and Thursday 15th August 2024, 2pm-5pm at Thame Skate Park.

e) Thame Concert Band playing at Elms Park – The date has now been confirmed as Saturday 3rd August 2024. Car park access has been arranged with John Hampden School.


10) Thame Fair

The report was noted.

The event management plan and risk assessment for the 2024 fairs were received.

The dates of the September and October Fairs were noted:

  • September Street Fair, Thursday 19th – Saturday 21st September 2024
  • October Charter Fair, Friday 11th & Saturday 12th October 2024

The September and October Fairs’ 3-year agreement, with an option of a further 2 years, had been signed by the Showmen’s Guild and was now presented for the Council to sign. It was noted that the fairs were very popular with students from Lord Williams’s School (Item 14b).


  1. To authorise the signing of the September and October Fairs’ 3-year agreement with an option of a further 2 years subject to clause 65.


11) Christmas in Thame

The report was noted.

The Community Services Manager shares that the Communications and Events Officer has put together a proposal and ideas from Councillors are welcomed. Officers are looking for sponsorship with local businesses, and that the Christmas Lights tender will be reviewed next year.

Feedback from the Year 7s from Lord Williams’s School (LWS) would like to see students do the Light switch on rather than a celebrity.

It was suggested that the layout be changed so that the food stalls and stage are in the same area.


12) Communications & Community Engagement Report

The report was noted.


13) Economic Development & Town Centre Vibrancy

a) Blue Plaques – The report was noted.

Members agreed that John Henry Clavell Smythe was an amazing and fascinating man, and fully supported a film tribute at the Museum and the installation of a blue plaque at his former home (Garden City, Thame) to honour him.

It was noted that Thame Remembers had previously researched John Smythe but at the time were unable to obtain evidence of his address in Thame.

Concern was raised at the cost for the blue plaque, and that the Town Council would be funding it. The costs reflected the increased installation costs plus a budget to redesign and print the blue plaques leaflets. It was noted that funding may be available from the District and/or County Council. Cllr Dyer offered support to Cllr Dawson for this given previous experience.

Regarding rights to the video, it was suggested that options to purchase these should be explored as to be able to retain the licence beyond 5-years.


  1. To approve funding for the archive video material in full for £590 to cover the next five years.
  2. To support the installation of the Blue Plaque for Johnny Smythe and associated administration.

b) Phone Box Refurbishment – The Phone Box has been repainted, the display board installed, and the defibrillator delivered. Subject to the electrician fitting the defibrillator next week, there will be an opening at the end of July. Officers will be given training by the defibrillator provider.

c) Water Refill Station (Town Hall) – The water refill station was ordered and delivered in March, however due to unresolved issues with how it fits around the disabled toilet, installation and payment are pending.

d) Midsomer Murders – It was noted that Officers have now updated the Town Council website to facilitate the Midsomer Murders leaflet to be downloaded in German.


14) Community Support & Networks

a) The minutes of the Thame Alliance Group meeting on 4 June 2024 were received.

It was explained that the Thame Alliance Group membership is for organisations that care for the town. The group had helped save Red Kite Family Centre and played a key role in Thame’s response during the Covid-19 pandemic. Cllr Champken-Woods had attended a Communities of Practice meeting recently, with lots of groups sharing their issues, and it is hoped this will be brought to Thame.

b) The report on the Town Council’s involvement with Lord Williams’s School’s ACE Week (w/c 8 July 2024) was noted.

350 LWS students attended Thame Town Council during ACE week and all students engaged with the activities.

The Community Services Manager expresses thanks to Councillors for their support, and a special thanks to the Environmental Support Officer and the Business Administrator Apprentice.


15)       Community Safety

a) CCTV – The report was noted.

The Council was asked to authorise South Oxfordshire District Council to obtain permissions and subsequently install a small (approximately 13cm) transmitter box on the rear of the Town Hall to avoid expensive underground cabling repairs.

Members noted the proposal for the future administration of the South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse CCTV provision to be centralised with Thames Valley Police, which may produce a cost saving and efficiency. The Town Council’s agreement with SODC ends in March, so it is hoped this would be resolved prior to that deadline.


  1. To approve the request for the installation of a wireless radio transmitter onto the Town Hall to aid connectivity of the CCTV system. Subject to South Oxfordshire District Council obtaining the relevant permissions.

b) Public Spaces Protection Order in Cuttle Brook Nature Reserve – The report was noted.

It is expected that that the new signage will be installed in the next 4-6 weeks. There was some discussion around effectiveness and enforcement of Public Spaces Protection Orders, however it was noted that it had been successful at the Thame Town Cricket Club ground.

c) Defibrillators – It was noted that, following a request from the residents who currently administer some of Thame’s defibrillators, officers are exploring the feasibility and administration required for Thame Town Council to oversee the management of some of Thame’s defibrillators. It is not expected that there would be any costs other than officer time, and a report will be presented to the next meeting of this committee for consideration.


The meeting concluded at 8:02pm



Signed ………………………………

Chairman, 10 September 2024