02 July 2024 – Minutes (Draft)


Minutes of the Meeting of the Environment & Assets Committee held on 2 July 2024 at 6:30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.


Cllrs M Baines, N Champken-Woods, A Dite (Chairman), H Dollman, L Emery, H Fickling, A Gilbert (Town Mayor), and H Richards.


M Dyer


M Sturdy, Town Clerk
A Oughton, Operations Manager
B Reid, Environmental Project Officer
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer


1) Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bretherton (personal), Cowell (personal), Dawson (personal) and Jones (personal).


2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

Cllrs Dite and Emery declared an interest in Item 7 – Thame Museum. A general dispensation is in place for these Councillors to debate and vote on matters relating to Thame Museum.

It was moved that Item 7 – Thame Museum be taken immediately next.


3) Public Participation and Public Questions

The two representatives from Thame Museum spoke under Item 7.


4) Minutes

The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 14 May 2024 were received.


  1. The minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.


5) Open Spaces Working Group

Minutes of the Open Spaces Working Group meeting on 10 June 2024 were noted.


6) Thame Green Living Plan

The report was noted. The Environmental Project Officer highlighted some key points within the report, noting that the partnership work between the Town Council, landowners, River Thame Conservation Trust and Lord Williams’s School had been particularly successful. There was also a call for Councillors to join a Green Living Plan working group with the aim to ratify completed work, decide on feasibility of future work and have a log of recorded decisions.

There was discussion about the Haddenham-Thame Cycleway. The connection between Haddenham and Thame has been included in Oxfordshire County Council’s (OCC) strategic travel network. There is a lack of public information on the cycleway project from OCC and Buckinghamshire Council. A cycling event in Haddenham at the weekend had attracted 400 people and demonstrated the ongoing support for the project. Members felt it important the Town Council has an answer for when people enquire about this project.

193 actions seemed a large number to achieve. Many actions can be grouped together or passed to other bodies to action.


  1. That the Council notes the report and that all Councillors will receive an email to express their interest in joining a Green Living Plan Working Group.


7) Thame Museum

The report was noted. Two quotations have been received after approaching nine companies. Both companies have visited the site and quoted to repair the Thame Museum roof in line with the recommendations of the Building Condition Survey as previously reported. The water leaks and subsequent internal water damage are a result of various issues on the roof including to the flashing, mortar pointings, the led cap on the ridge of the extension, vegetation, PVC sealing, cracked pipes and damaged slates. The repairs are the first in a series of a longer-term work programme.

Members raised concern at the disparity in price between the two quotations. The Town Council and Thame Museum representatives have been reassured by the contractor of Company A that the works are achievable within the price quoted. Company B’s quotation included more replacement led.

The cost of the works will be covered through earmarked reserves for the Museum, with any additional unexpected costs covered under the Town Clerk’s delegated or emergency limits.

In order to ensure the longevity of the repairs, it was suggested that references be obtained from the chosen company, although it was noted that the Town Council had previously had a call out with Company A for an emergency leak in the council offices over a bank holiday at no cost.


  1. Subject to satisfactory references being obtained of previous work, to accept the quotation from Company A to carry out works to Thame Museum Roof as outlined in the Scope of Work at a cost of £6,000.00 plus VAT. Funding to be drawn down from Thame Museum Ear Marked Reserves.


8) Delegated Authority to use Town Council’s Motor Vehicles

The report was noted. The Council’s insurance policy has an ‘any driver’ policy, subject to approval by the Council. If the Council were to approve use of the vehicle for this event, there would be a risk assessment.


  1. That the council approve use of the Town Council Van as the support vehicle for the Mayor’s Charity event to France in September 2024.
  2. That the council give delegated authority to the Clerk to allow others to drive council vehicles under the ‘Any Driver’ section of the council’s insurance policy.


9) Town Hall & Depot

The committee received the results of the Building Condition Surveys at the Town Hall and Depot, and of the Carbon and Energy Assessment Audit. The Building Condition Surveys highlighted numerous issues of differing priority and cost. It was agreed that the Council needs a strategy, including for its assets, in order to determine justification and priority for expenditure in line with longer-term aspirations for the council’s assets. There may be grant funding available for listed buildings and improvements with environmental benefits. The results of the reports will be looked at in more detail by Officers with a report presented to the council in due course with next steps.

It was noted that following improvements to the ventilation system, the latest levels of Radon taken from the basement in the Town Hall have recorded a level below which the Ionising Radiations Regulation 2017 (IRR17) would apply. Annual testing to monitor this will continue at a cost of approximately £50 per annum. Members were pleased that this quick-fix had produced a positive outcome.


10) Elms Park Play Area

It was noted that the refurbished play area was opened on Friday 24 May 2024 by Cllr Dite and members of John Hampden School Pupil Council.

The Operations Manager advised that a few minor snagging issues had been identified or reported which the contractor is aware of. These repairs are due to be completed at the end of the week. The remaining payment will not be released until all issues are resolved.

It was also noted that the Town Council has applied for grant funding from Smoke Free Oxfordshire Community Fund to install ‘Smoke Free’ signage designed by John Hampden School students within the park. Following a fantastic response from the students, it is hoped to repeat this successful initiative with Thame’s other two primary schools for other play parks in Thame.

The Environmental Project Officer left the meeting.


11) Allotments

There was no further update regarding the Persimmon Site allotments, however Officers were pleased to present the legal documents from Bellway to be signed and sealed by the Council in order to transfer the allotments to the Town Council. Members were pleased to see this long awaited document.


  1. That the Town Council signs and seals the transfer deed with Bellway with regards to the Hampden Gardens allotments.


12) Rycote Meadow Project

The report was noted. Work began on the new path and scrape last week in partnership with Thame Green Living and Cuttle Brook volunteers.


13) War Memorial & Memorial Gardens

It was noted that a pollinator flower bed will be planted at the Thame War Memorial gardens. The plants have been chosen to attract wildlife, in particular bees.

It was also noted that the plaques containing the additional names were added to the Thame War Memorial, together with the installation of a new information display cabinet ahead of a successful unveiling event held on 11 June 2024. A report on the event will be presented to the Community Services Committee on 16 July 2024.

The unveiling event had overall been a success. There were some outstanding matters for Thame Remembers including a post-event wash-up meeting and installation of 2 additional names on the Moreton War Memorial with an appropriate dedication service in discussion with Moreton residents. A new leaflet is now available with details of the plaques installed on private properties in Thame.


14) Maintenance Report

The report was noted.

It was noted that the Town Council only litter-picks on its land, and Thame Wombles tend to litter-pick other areas. The current arrangement works to the benefit of the town. Appreciation for Thame Wombles was noted.

It was noted that unauthorised repairs had been carried out to the Skate Park’s surface. The Town Council is arranging for a contractor to make the surface good. Other than the signage already at the park, there was a discussion as to how to improve awareness that the Skate Park is owned and maintained by the Town Council to avoid similar situations in future.

It was noted that following interviews for the Horticulture Level 2 Apprentice yesterday, an offer has been made.


The meeting concluded at 7:37pm.


Signed ………………………

Chairman, 3 September 2024