13 August 2024 – Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Thame Town Council held on 13 August 2024 at 6:30pm in the Upper Chamber, Town Hall, Thame.


Cllrs M Baines, D Bretherton, P Cowell, D Dawson (Deputy Mayor), A Dite, H Dollman, D Dodds, M Dyer, L Emery, H Fickling, A Gilbert (Town Mayor), C Jones, S McGarry, and H Richards


M Sturdy, Town Clerk
G Markland, Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer


1) Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received and noted from Cllrs Champken-Woods (personal) and Swan (personal).



  1. To accept the apologies and reason given from Cllrs Champken-Woods (personal) and Swan (personal).


2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

Cllr Jones declared an interest in Item 5 as the Councillor representative for, and social member of, Thame Sports Club. This would not preclude Cllr Jones from debating or voting on this item.

Cllr Bretherton declared an interest in Item 5 as the Chairman of South Oxfordshire District Council’s Planning Committee and would abstain from debating and voting on this item.

The Town Clerk announced that a dispensation had been granted for Cllr Fickling to debate and vote on items relating to St Mary’s Church.


3) Civic Announcements

The civic attendances were noted. It had been another busy period for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


4) Public Participation and Public Questions

A resident spoke against planning application P24/S1651/FUL on behalf of 62a, 62b and 62c Queens Road. The residents recognise some development is likely on this site but have several objections to the proposed scheme. The density and scale do not reflect the surrounding dwellings, with the proposed terraced housing being 2.7m greater in height than surrounding existing properties. The proximity of the proposed dwellings will result in loss of privacy, light and outlook for the gardens and some habitable rooms of 62a-c Queens Road. The distribution of affordable housing is not policy compliant. The residents proposed an alternative scheme to address their concerns and asked that the council consider this.

Clarification was sought on the loss of privacy for 62c. The proposed plots 18 and 19 would overlook the first-floor bedroom and ground floor front room.

Clarification was sought as to the boundary arrangements between the site and 62a. Previously it had been open but is now separated by a wooden fence.

The Chairman of Thame Sports Club spoke on behalf of the club regarding planning application P24/S1651/FUL. The club is a community asset and this year marks 100 years in Thame. The tennis courts are used into the evenings throughout the year, and it was felt important to raise this as a potential source of noise and light pollution for the proposed dwellings. The Sports Club would welcome protected status to ensure the longevity of the club. Concern was also raised about the impact of the demolition and construction works on the club, and the impact of additional traffic on parking.

Clarification was sought on the request for protected status. As the club has received significant financial support through S106 it was hoped both the Town and District Councils would act to preserve the club’s activities.

It was clarified that the new LED lighting will minimise light spill.


5) Planning Application – P24/S1651/FUL – 42 to 48 Queens Road Thame

Demolition of 44 Queens Road and the outbuildings to Nos. 42. Proposed erection of 22 dwellinghouses (including 8 affordable homes) with gardens, car parking, garages, bin stores, and new estate road access. Closure of access onto Queens Road serving 46 Queens Road and re-arranged access off new estate road. Provision of garden area to 46 Queens Road. Re-arranged access to 42 Queens Road off new estate road and erection of new garage for No. 42.

The report was noted. The Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer (NPCO) provided an overview of the site and the proposals. Of the 22 homes proposed, 14 will be market homes and the remaining 8 will be affordable flats and homes. Access will be taken from Queens Road via a private driveway, and the site will provide parking for vehicles and bicycles through new or existing garages or driveways. Areas of open space are proposed and will be split by the access road and footpath to Plot 16 and will include a Local Area for Play.

Critiquing the application, the housing mix has not been based on evidence. Affordable housing has not been distributed across the site contrary to the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document. Furthermore, taking account of the ‘studies’ in the 3-bedrooms, would make these 4-bedroom properties which would further unfavourably skew the housing mix. Parking provision appears reasonable however some drives have been poorly designed and would result in parked vehicles overhanging the highway. The provision of open space is not policy compliant due to being split over three areas and likely to give rise to issues for Plot 16. The design and density of the site is not policy compliant as the site has the potential to yield more in some areas where appropriate. The council should be consistent in objecting due to loss of light and privacy to habitable rooms.

Councillors raised concern that additional traffic arising from this site would worsen existing safety and parking issues on Queens Road.

Councillors supported the suggestion to protect Thame Sports Club in their right to continue.

Councillors agreed the proposals could be redesigned to work better for the site and surroundings, to minimise impact on neighbouring amenity whilst increasing the density, where appropriate, to ensure the site yields a sustainable level of development. Whilst a density closer to 45 dwellings per hectare would be more policy compliant, this density is likely to be too high on this site.


  1. That Thame Town Council objects to planning application P24/S1651/FUL for the following reasons as per the Officer report:
    1. Contrary to Local Plan 2035 Policies Strat 5 and DES7 (density) – however the Council notes that a starting point of 45 dwellings per hectare would be too high and inappropriate given the site’s relationship with adjacent homes.
    2. Contrary to Local Plan 2035 Policy H11 and TNP2 Policy GDH3 (housing mix and needs).
    3. Contrary to Local Plan 2035 Policy CF5 and TNP Policy ESDQ4 (open space).
    4. Contrary to Local Plan 2035 Policies DES5 and DES6 (amenity of Plot 16) and DES3 (design & access statement).
    5. Contrary to Local Plan 2035 Policy TRANS5 (highways).
  2. To submit additional comments as follows:
    1. Concern was raised that additional traffic from the proposed development on Queens Road would give rise to safety concerns.
    2. The Town Council would support protection for Thame Sports Club to ensure their longevity.


6) Consultation – Thame Proposed Amended 20mph Speed Limits

The previously approved town-wide 20mph speed limit has been amended by extending the limit outwards on the B4445 Aylesbury Road, B4445 Chinnor Road/Garden City, Jane Morbey Road, Kingsey Road, Massey Road, and Oxford Road.

The council welcomed the amended 20mph scheme but queried why Station Yard / Thame Park Road was being kept as 30mph.


  1. To support the proposed amended 20mph speed limits for Thame, and request that Station Yard / Thame Park Road be included within the 20mph zone.


7) Report from County Councillors

In the absence of County Councillors Champken-Woods and Gregory, who sent their apologies, there was nothing to report.


8) Reports from South Oxfordshire District Councillors

No report had been received.

A question was raised regarding the specific start date in October for the works at the Citizens Advice building? District Cllr Bretherton agreed to follow this up.


9) Thame’s Community & Youth Project Capital Project

Cllr McGarry briefly left the meeting during this item.

The Town Clerk provided a verbal update on work to date. The Fundraiser continues to establish contacts and funding streams, and support Thame Youth Projects with their grant applications. Gathering data to develop the business case is ongoing. The architects and project design team are looking at a range of ways to maintain the build valuation of around £4million. Help has been requested from South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC), Oxfordshire County Council (OCC), Sports England and the new local MP.  The current specification and options for the Changing Rooms will be discussed at a meeting with SODC, Sport England and the Football Association in September. An additional Full Council is likely in early October to consider options following this. Spring 2025 would be the earliest period for the tender process to progress.

There was some discussion as to whether the changing rooms are necessary, given the significant cost to replace them. This will be considered at the September meeting with all relevant parties present, with the aim to reach a consensus to resolve this issue.

Whilst the need for the youth centre element was undisputed, there was discussion as to the need for the community facility and the scale of the building. The business plan, when available, will provide confirmation on the building’s feasibility. The decision for a community facility was approved by the Town Council, alongside the availability of S106 funds for a community facility at Southern Road Recreation Ground. The additional Full Council in October will provide an opportunity for further discussion in light of all the facts.


10) Public Art

The report was noted.


  1. That in line with Standing Order 20, the Town Council authorises the Proper Officer, with two members of the council as witnesses, to sign and seal the legal deed with South Oxfordshire District Council to receive the Section 106 funding that will enable completion of the approved ‘Art Leading Wayfinding Project’.


11) Rycote Meadow Conservation Project        

The report was noted.


  1. That on receipt of the legal agreement from SODC pertaining to the S106 application request P24/S1094/106, the Town Clerk is authorised to review the agreement and seek legal advice, if needed, for any changes.
  2. That, subject to these checks, the Town Council agrees that the legal agreement with South Oxfordshire District Council can be sealed by the Proper Officer in the presence of two Members of the Council who shall sign the deed as witnesses.


12) Air Quality Project

The report was noted.


  1. To approve that Thame Town Council forward fund the project to a maximum of £13,000 once written confirmation is received from SODC approving this funding.
  2. That, if awarded successfully, the Town Council agrees that the legal S106 Agreement with South Oxfordshire District Council for the Air Quality Education Project can in accordance with Standing Order 20 be signed and sealed by the Proper Officer in the presence of two Members of the Council who shall sign the deed as witnesses.


13) Committee Restructure – Interim 3-month review

The report was noted.

Following the first cycle of the new committees, some minor changes were presented to the Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegations to improve efficiencies and reflect current working practices. Councillors were invited to give feedback on the first cycle of meetings and make suggestions for upcoming meetings.


  1. To adopt the amended Scheme of Delegations for 2024-25, and update the Committee Responsibilities accordingly.
  2. To adopt the amended Standing Orders for 2024-25.


14) External Organisations

The reports were noted.

Regarding the reports from External Organisation representatives, the following verbal updates were provided:

Citizens Advice (Item 14c):-

Cllr Dite advised that Citizens Advice Oxfordshire are undertaking a central reorganisation, however the impact on Thame is expected to be minimal and may improve the service offered. Citizens Advice continue to seek an alternative location for their private consultation meetings during the upcoming building works, which are expected to last 10 weeks.

Thame Youth Projects (Item 14w):-

Cllr Cowell advised that during term-time the Youth Café meet at Christchurch offering a range of activities, attracting around 17 young people per session. Monkey Puzzle were thanked for stepping up as an alternative venue for the Youth Zone following the closure of the café. Following feedback from attendees, the session has now been moved to the earlier time of 3pm to enable young people to come straight from school and will now be held at Christchurch. Thame Youth Projects run a substantial number of free school holiday activities including laser tag, book clubs and cooking classes. The Youth Worker has been key to supporting these activities and works closely with the school and young people. Thame Youth Projects continue to see additional volunteers and funding to support their work. The Mayor reported that on a recent visit to the Youth Café, it was pleasing to see young people interacting and collaborating with another.

Regarding the proposed changes in the Officer report, Members noted that reporting through Full Council seemed sensible to ensure information is received by all.


  1. To approve that all reports from external organisations be reported to Full Council on a bi-annual (twice a year) basis.
  2. To approve that Cllr Dyer be re-appointed as the representative for NALC.


15) Schedule of Meetings 2024-25

The following changes to the Schedule of Meetings were noted:

  • An additional Full Council will be held for the Community & Youth Project (Capital Project) – It is expected that this will be 1 October 2024. Councillors will be notified once this is confirmed.
  • Personnel Committee originally scheduled on Tuesday 1 October 2024 will now be held on Monday 23 September 2024 (3pm).
  • Budget Working Group originally scheduled on Tuesday 8 October 2024 will now be held on Tuesday 15 October 2024 (3pm)
  • The Annual Town Meeting provisionally scheduled on Tuesday 18 March 2025, will now be held on Wednesday 19 March 2025 (in order that it can be held at Thame Barns Centre again).

An updated Schedule of Meetings will be circulated, and calendar invites updated accordingly.


16) Consultation – Oxfordshire County Council Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

It was noted that the Town Council has been consulted. The consultation closes 23 August 2024. Responses are being progressed / collated via email.

Members questioned the potential impact of Thames Water’s financial future on this strategy.


17) Oxfordshire Division Boundary Review – Final Recommendations

It was noted that the final recommendations for new electoral divisions in Oxfordshire have been published. The changes will become law once passed by Parliament, and intend to be implemented for the 2025 elections.

Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) had requested that the ward boundaries been reviewed to remove multi-member wards. Given Thame’s population size, it has been necessary for Thame to be divided into two wards and the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) have advised an exception cannot be made.

The Town Clerk has queried several times, but with no response, with LGBCE why the parish (town council) ward boundaries have been changed along with the County Council boundaries. District Cllr Bretherton agreed to follow this up with the Returning Officer at the District Council.


18) Members Questions (under Standing Order 11)

No questions were raised.


19) Minutes

The Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 18 June 2024 were received.


  1. That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.


20) Corporate Governance Committee

The minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2024 were noted.


21) Community Services Committee

The minutes of the meeting held on 16 July 2024 were noted.


22) Environment & Assets Committee

The minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2024 were noted.


23) Planning Committee

The minutes of the meetings held on 25 June 2024 and 23 July 2024 were noted.


24) Exclusion of the Public


  1. That under Section 1, Paragraph 2 of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business because publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


25) Town Council Asset

Cllr Richards left the meeting during this item.

The report was noted.

The Town Clerk provided a verbal update as matters had developed since the report was published and the Corporate Governance committee approved £1,500 towards legal and specialist fees.

After some discussion it was agreed that the situation had become complex and required an independent mediator to work with both parties to find a solution to ensure the longevity of the Town Council asset. It was felt that both parties, as equally liable, should contribute to this cost.


  1. An independent mediator be appointed to understand the complexities of the situation and make a recommendation for a way forward, at a cost funded by both parties.


The meeting concluded at 8:34pm.


Signed ………………………               Date …………………