21 January 2025 – Minutes (draft)
Minutes of the Meeting of Thame Town Council held on 21 January 2025 at 6:30pm in the Upper Chamber, Town Hall, Thame.
Cllrs M Baines, N Champken-Woods, P Cowell, D Dawson (Deputy Mayor), H Dollman, M Dyer, L Emery, A Gilbert (Town Mayor), C Jones, S McGarry, H Richards, and P Swan
M Sturdy, Town Clerk
K Slater, Corporate Services Manager & Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
C Pinnells, Community Services Manager
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer
1) Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Bretherton (personal), Dite (personal) and Dodds (personal).
- To accept the apologies and reason given from Cllrs Bretherton (personal), Dite (personal) and Dodds (personal).
2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
Cllr Emery declared an interest in Item 7 as a volunteer with Thame Youth Café. This did not preclude Cllr Emery from debating or voting on this item.
Cllr Cowell declared an interest as a trustee of Thame Youth Projects. A dispensation is in place for Cllr Cowell to debate and vote on matters relating to Thame Youth Projects.
3) Civic Announcements
Cllrs Richards and Swan entered the meeting during this item.
The Mayor’s and Deputy Mayor’s civic attendances were noted.
It was moved that agenda Item 4 be taken after agenda Item 6.
4) Public Participation and Public Questions
A resident of Thame spoke against the proposal to apply for a Public Works Loan in relation to the Community Youth Centre (Item 7). Whilst not against the principle of applying for a loan or building a youth and community centre, it was felt that this particular project was not the right one. The location away from the town centre will discourage passing footfall. The internal layout is not flexible enough in its design to accommodate a range of uses, and does not offer much more than existing venues in Thame. As a significant, once-in-a-lifetime project, it is important to get it right.
Another resident of Thame spoke against the proposal to apply for a Public Works Loan in relation to the Community Youth Centre (Item 7). Notwithstanding the work to date and percentage of survey results in support, concern was raised that the number of responses represents a small fraction of population and that the current economic climate is not a good time to engage in a large capital project. It was suggested that a town centre location, such as the former Co-Op, could be used as a trial venue to establish demand.
It was clarified that neither of the speakers lived near the site.
Both speakers were asked why they felt the location was not suitable? Concerns were raised regarding traffic and that the location is not central. Although the Cattle Market has previously be ruled out, could the proposed potential reorganisation of local government provide an opportunity for the Town Council to take over the site?
There being no further questions for the speakers, the council considered and debate Item 7 next.
5) Budget and Precept for 2025-2026
The report was noted. Following work by Officers and the Budget Working Group, the 2025/26 budget now reflected a 6.17% increase on last year’s budget. Around 2% of this is employer national insurance contributions. The increase equates to a 24p/week or £12.42/year increase for a Band D household.
It was noted that in the last financial year, there had been some unbudgeted expenditures and there appeared to be no provision for this in 2025/26. It was explained that the council has earmarked reserves which can be used for this purpose, rather than increasing the precept.
It was also noted that there were significant overspends on budget line ‘Computer and Software’ under Central Services last year, and again no provision for additional expenditure in 2025/26. It was noted that many of these purchases were one-offs or upgrades and unlikely to reoccur in 2025/26.
Thanks were given to Officers for their work in getting the percentage increase on last year’s budget down.
- To approve the budget for 2025-2026.
- To approve that £1,102,425 (6.17% increase) be raised for the precept for 2025-26.
6) Internal Audit
The council received the First Interim Internal Audit Report 2024-25. The Corporate Services Manager & RFO was pleased to report a clean audit with no matters of concern.
7) Community Youth Centre – Public Works Loan Consultation
The report was noted. The council received the results of the public consultation regarding the Public Works Loan.
The Town Clerk gave a presentation outlining the work on this project over the last ten years. As agreed at the previous council meeting, a public consultation was launched from November 2024 to January 2025 to establish views on obtaining a Public Works Loan. Following extensive publicity, a total of 635 responses were received of which 499 were OX9 postcodes equating to 9.68% of the tax base. Of the 499 responses, 88% supported the project and 82% supported the application for a loan. There were also 13 letters in objection covering a range of concerns, which the Town Clerk addressed.
The Town Clerk advised that if the Town Council secured the maximum loan (~£3million) and invested the maximum amount from its investments (~£1.1million), plus the Section 106 funds available, there would be ~£374,000 contingency available. This scenario does not account for the proposed fundraising or an increase in the tax base.
Firstly, the council considered whether the survey results demonstrated sufficient community support to progress an application for a Public Works Loan. Overall, the council felt that the survey had been well publicised and received an acceptable response rate. It was noted that the tax base reflected households not individuals, so actual support may be higher. It was noted that public apathy is a challenge in consultations and whilst some Councillors have concerns over the project, it was agreed that the public had given a mandate to support an application for a Public Works Loan.
- To seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to apply for a Public Works Loan Board loan.
The council then considered the loan amount. Concern was expressed regarding the project specification, flexibility of the space and the financial risks of the proposal. It was noted that delaying a decision will only increase the project cost; the council must decide whether to move forward or stop.
The Town Clerk advised that a review of the project’s finances will be undertaken with the project’s architects and Councillors to ensure the project still reflects the community’s aspirations. The Town Clerk will report back to the Council on this, and the outcome of the loan application, in due course. There is a possibility that the loan may be fully or partially refused, and the contribution required from the Council will vary depending on the loan approved and fundraising achieved. Therefore, the Town Clerk recommends at this stage that the council approves the maximum level of investment and loan application as a ‘worst case’ and to reduce financial risk to the project.
- To approve the maximum value that the council will invest in the project as £1,100,000 from its investment funds.
- To apply for the maximum loan value of up to £3,019,000 over the borrowing term of 50 years for the construction of a Community and Youth Centre Building. The annual loan repayments will come to around £178,771, and should not exceed a maximum increase of £35 per year to a Band D property.
8) Members Questions (under Standing Order 11)
Cllr Richards asked how the Thame Neighbourhood Plan 2 (TNP2) stall had gone at the market earlier in the day? The Mayor advised that there were a lot of confused residents who were unsure what they are being asked to vote on. Overall, there had been a good turnout with good discussion.
Cllr Champken-Woods asked whether there would be a leaflet drop regarding TNP2, as currently communications disenfranchised those without access to the internet? The Town Clerk advised that hardcopy versions of the newsletter had been printed for the Information Centre and noticeboard, and Officers were exploring costs for wider distribution in Thame. Whilst the council could not make a decision on this as it was not on the agenda, the council indicated support for a leaflet drop to all homes. The content should be objective and include information about the polling station change.
9) Banking Hub
The report and the work to date were explained by the report author, local resident Helen Johns.
An Automated Deposit Service (ADS) is a banking machine, whereas a Banking Hub offers a wider range of services from different banks.
The council expressed support for a banking hub in Thame, noting the challenges in particular for small businesses and charities to bank locally, and that Thame serves a wide catchment area of villages which do not have a bank.
Some concern was raised at the potential impact on Officer time. It was noted that Helen had already undertaken a lot of work and research and will continue to assist Officers in doing so. The issue of banking in Thame is a significant one so some Officer time is to be expected.
- To support the need for a banking hub in Thame.
The Community Services Manager left the meeting.
10) Pedestrian Crossings
The council received the list of requests for pedestrian crossings in Thame.
- Oxford Road – at or near Michaelis Road / Old Union Way – It was noted that consideration should be given to the location given proximity to the Oxford Road/High Street bend.
- Oxford Road – at Roman Way – It was noted that the proposed development at land north of Oxford Road, if approved, will likely be required to fund a crossing in this location.
- Tythrop Way – at Chinnor Rugby Club entrance – Eleven stakeholders have been identified who would be in support of a crossing in this location.
- Thame Park Road – at Chowns Close / footpath to Chinnor Road.
Cllr Champken-Woods in his County Councillor capacity agreed to take forward these suggestions. It was also noted that Thame’s Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) Working Group should be made aware and kept up to date.
- To support that requests for pedestrian crossings at Oxford Road (at or near Michaelis Road / Old Union Way), Oxford Road (at Roman Way), Tythrop Way (at Chinnor Rugby Club entrance) and Thame Park Road (at Chowns Close / footpath to Chinnor Road) be submitted to Oxfordshire County Council for consideration.
Cllr Champken-Woods left the meeting.
11) Committee Updates, Vacancies and Appointments
The report was noted and explained by the Committee Services & Processes Officer. The council expressed no concerns with the proposed course of action for the various vacancies however the council requested more information regarding the board member vacancy at Thame & District Housing Association.
- To approve that the vacancies on the Environment & Assets committee, Corporate Governance committee, Open Spaces Sub-Committee (subject to a review of the need for this committee), Personnel committee, and Planning committee be filled at the Annual Meeting on 13 May 2025.
- To appoint Cllr Dollman as the council representative to 21st Century Thame.
- To approve that a Health and Social Care representative be added to the list of external organisation representatives.
- To appoint Cllr Richards and Cllr Swan as the council representatives for Health and Social Care.
12) Annual Town Meeting
The report was noted. After some discussion, the council felt the focus of the meeting should be on the open forum rather than presentations. It was suggested that:
- The meeting could have an external host / chairperson.
- The meeting be rebranded in publicity as the Thame Community Meeting or similar, to attract more residents.
- Questions be submitted in advance.
- Politics students from Lord Williams’s School be invited.
The Town Clerk agreed to take these suggestions on board as part of the event planning.
13) Minutes
The Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 19 November 2024 were received.
- The minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.
14) Corporate Governance Committee
The minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2024 were noted.
15) Planning Committee
The minutes of the meetings held on 10 December 2024 and 14 January 2025 were noted.
16) Personnel Committee
The minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2025 were noted.
The meeting concluded at 8:10pm.
Signed ………………………
Chairman, 4 March 2025