27 April 2021 – Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Thame Town Council held on 27 April 2021 at 6:30pm by Zoom Conference Call.


Cllrs B Austin, D Bretherton, N Champken-Woods, P Cowell (Deputy Mayor), M Deacock, A Dite, M Dyer,
L Emery, H Fickling, K Gregory, C Jones, A Midwinter (Town Mayor), J Tipping and T Wyse


C Pinnells, Acting Town Clerk
G Markland, Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer
A Oughton, Asset Manager
L Fuller, Committee Services Officer

1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Dodds (personal).

All Members who were present were able to be seen and be heard.

2 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

Cllr Austin declared an interest in Item 11 as a treasurer of the former Thame Community Art & Theatre Centre and its predecessor, the Cattle Market Action Group. The Acting Town Clerk advised this was not a pecuniary interest and did not preclude Cllr Austin from debating or voting on this item.

It was noted that, in relation to Item 14, Cllr Gregory and Cllr Bretherton as District Councillors on this Full Council will make their comments and decisions based upon information available at the time of the meeting. It is accepted that District Councillors may come to a different decision in the light of more information being made available at District Planning Committee Meetings.

3 Civic Announcements

The Mayor thanked the Police for their quick response with regards to the recent incident at Thame Football Club and for implementing a Public Spaces Protection Order at Church Road and the Cricket Club, starting from next month. The Mayor also reported that the Town Council had written a letter to the Her Majesty The Queen offering its condolences on behalf of the council and the people of Thame.

4 Thames Valley Police

PC Matthew French firstly gave apologies from Sergeant Vicky Ball who was unable to attend this evening. In addition to Sgt Ball and PC French, the local policing team was formed of PC Ian Kent, who primarily works on rural crime, and four PCSOs. Another PC would be joining the team in the next few weeks, too. The team primarily covered the Thame area as well as some rural areas. In total there were up to 50 parish councils and 350 farms within the team’s catchment area.

PC French provided an update on the current work of the local policing team. The recent unauthorised encampment at the Football Club, as mentioned by the Mayor earlier, was moved on within 24 hours under a Section 61 and it was hoped that this swift action alleviated local concern. The team continue to safeguard vulnerable members of the community who may be a risk of exploitation. Three closure orders had been put in place and these have all greatly reduced antisocial behaviour issues at their respective addresses. Targeted work had taken place at the Waterstock Services on vehicle thefts which had significantly reduced the number of incidents over the last 12 months. Other targeted operations had taken place on rural crime, working with farming communities to deter criminals. The Covid-19 regulations had placed additional workloads on the police, particularly during the lockdowns, to check quarantine compliance and prevent gatherings. The team would next be focusing on knife crime and engagement with young people, particularly given the murder in Thame last summer, through a targeted operation and social media messages.

With regards to the murder last year, a question was raised as to what the outcome was for the neighbouring streets? PC French advised that these had been a focus for the local policing team over the last year to try and deter gatherings and drug activity. People were advised to report anything suspicious as it may help to form part of a bigger picture.

The Council would later be considering the planning application at the Reserve Site C. In this area there were repeated issues of HGV vehicles parking on the highway and causing damage to verges as a result of turning circles. What was being done to address this? PC French advised that these were offences and agreed there was a problem in this area. This would be passed onto the team so that PCSOs could patrol the area and issue tickets to vehicles that did not move when asked. A resident of the estate asked how best to report these issues to PCSOs, as the residents had reported it by calling 101. PC French advised that the best way was to use the online reporting form which would be passed onto the team to investigate, adding that the more reports and evidence received the better.

An update on antisocial behaviour at Southern Road Recreation Ground (SRRG) was requested. Antisocial behaviour continues to be an issue at SRRG, with increased patrols during the evening when possible. Covid-19 had supressed some issues, however with restrictions easing and lighter evenings, these issues were returning.

The Chairman thanked PC French for his time and the local police team for their work in Thame.

5 Public Participation and Public Questions

There were two speakers in relation to Item 11 and one speaker in relation to Item 14. It was moved and seconded that following the speaker’s presentations, Members would discuss and vote on the respective agenda items and then proceed with Item 6 onwards.

Mr James Edney, Youth Worker for Thame Youth Projects, and Beatriz, a member of Thame Youth Café, spoke in relation to Item 11. Beatriz explained that the Youth Café provided a place for young people to feel safe outside of the school environment. It was felt that there was a need for a Youth Centre as it would be more visible, make it more accessible for young people to get help and help them to feel part of the community and meet new people. The Youth Café currently meet in Christchurch which did not feel legitimate. The Youth Projects had continued to run activities throughout the pandemic, and this offered its participants something to look forward to, a structure outside of school and a way to feel more connected to the local community. Mr Edney explained that Beatriz had started attending at the end of 2019, but a permanent Youth Centre would have helped her when she was younger. A permanent Youth Centre would have a bigger impact and be beneficial to the whole community. There was a need for the town’s young people to have their own space and access to trained staff.

Members thanked Mr Edney and Beatriz for their presentation. It was clarified that the purpose of the presentation was to highlight the urgency of the need for the Youth Centre and the positive impact this would have, but it was recognised this would not be a quick fix.

Ms Val Jonas then spoke in relation to Item 11 on behalf of the Cattle Market Action Group (CMAG) and the various community groups they represent. CMAG had been working for some time on a feasibility study for a community centre on the Cattle Market site, and welcomed the recommendation from the Community, Leisure & Recreation Committee to carry out a feasibility study at SRRG or within the Town Centre. However, it was important that the terms of reference for the study included what kind of youth centre works and does not work for towns similar to Thame; financial and staffing requirements for such a centre; suitability and availability of the centre for other community groups; and alignment with the Thame Neighbourhood Plan (TNP). There was concern that the proposed centre at SRRG would alienate young people from the town, may present security issues at certain times and would be too small due to constraints of the Football Association. CMAG question South Oxfordshire District Council’s (SODC) stance as, since the committee meeting on 13 April 2021, an email had been received from SODC stating that a property review was due this summer which will allow them to start working with the Town Council and local community, although the timings of these discussions were not known. CMAG felt this provided an opportunity to plan for a mixed-use community facility in the town centre, possibly on the Cattle Market site, and the terms of reference for the feasibility study should include this. CMAG were advocating for a flexible space for different users and uses, with a welcoming community café that could encompass council offices and other services. A community centre on the Cattle Market site, in the heart of the town, would be a jewel in the crown and a great contribution to the vitality of the town centre. The feasibility study should be broad in its terms and reference, and CMAG looked forward to working together to achieve a community facility for Thame.

A question was raised as to whether CMAG had spoken to Thame Youth Projects, as instigators of the new Youth Centre project, on the progress they have made on identifying the need for the centre? Ms Jonas advised that CMAG would welcome discussions with them as it was felt we should be working together across the community for an integrated solution.

Members then discussed and made a resolution on Item 11.

Mr Mark Broun spoke in relation to Item 14 on behalf of the Thame Park Estates Residents Association, in addition to the letter than had been circulated prior to the meeting. Residents had made a lot of representation through SODC’s website regarding access to the site. Within the TNP, Site C had to be designed to conceal the industrial southern edge to Thame and reintroduce a rural market feel. The reality for residents of Site C is that they are thrown into the industrial mix with noise disturbance, including in the early hours, and parking issues but were not consulted on planning applications on the industrial estate. On the matter of publicly accessible open space, how could developers be held accountable to deliver this? On the Bellway site, open space was designated to the south of the site however this was removed and there are now footpaths that lead to hedges. Referring to the Officer’s reports’ discussion on agricultural traffic, it was important not to underestimate the size of the farm and the traffic movements which would have to negotiate four junctions within the estate. It was possible that the retained agricultural land to the south would be reviewed and developed for housing, which would mean the proposed access road would need to accommodate up to an additional 200 homes. It was felt that the current junction at Warren Mead / Wenman Road was at capacity, but it was recognised there was not ‘an easy win’. Residents suggested that the existing agricultural access road be used for the construction of Reserve Site C and that the Town Council support a recommendation to Oxfordshire County Council that a feasibility study be undertaken for a permanent residential access point to be taken via Wenman Road for this site.

Mr Broun clarified that residents were not objecting to the 57 dwellings but did object to the proposed access arrangements and suggested this should be taken via a different entrance off Wenman Road.

Members then discussed Item 14 and made a recommendation for planning application P21/S0917/O.

6 Report from County Councillor N Carter

Cllr Carter’s report was noted. Unfortunately, Cllr Carter had to leave before the meeting reached this item, however he advised the Acting Town Clerk that he was happy to take any questions outside of the meeting via e-mail.

7 Reports from South Oxfordshire District Councillors

The report was noted. With regards to earlier discussions on the Cattle Market, Cllr Bretherton advised that the new Asset Manager at SODC was reviewing all of SODC’s assets with report due in the summer. This would then allow discussions to move forward before the lease expires.

8 Members Questions (under Standing Order 11)

No questions were raised.

9 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 30 March 2021 were approved.

10 Policy & Resources Committee

The minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2021 were noted.

11 Community, Leisure and Recreation Committee

The minutes of the meeting held on 13 April 2021 were noted.

Under Item 8 of the minutes, a recommendation had been made to Full Council to approve a feasibility study for the Community Youth Centre to be positioned at Southern Road Recreation Ground or within the town centre.

Members were keen for this project to not stagnate. A copy of the report as presented to the Community, Leisure and Recreation Committee was provided for background information. There was some confusion over what the committee had recommended and whether the town centre was included as a possible location. It was clarified that the feasibility study would be for the centre to be positioned at either SRRG or within the town centre.

It was noted that the recommendation should read ‘Community and Youth Centre’ and would not form part of the Thame Neighbourhood Plan consultant’s work.


  1. Up to £5,000 expenditure from general reserves for a feasibility study for the Community and Youth Centre to be positioned at Southern Road Recreation Ground or within the town centre be approved.

12 Planning & Environment Committee

The minutes of the meetings held on 16 March 2021 and 6 April 2021 were noted.

13 Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Committee

The minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2021 were noted.

14 1385 – P21/S0917/O – Reserve Site C

The Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer (NPCO) presented his report. The proposal at the Reserve Site C was for 57 dwellings, 22 of which would be affordable. 2.7 hectares of open space would be provided (1.18ha of which would be agricultural land with controlled public access). Parking was compliant with the County Council standards, access would be taken via the existing access of Warren Mead / Hode Garth, and pedestrian and cycle access would be provided. The suitability of the site allocation has been recently tested through the Local Plan examination. The site forms part of the District’s wider housing land supply and evidence for the adoption of Local Plan Policy H3. The proposals largely meet the requirements under TNP policy HA7. The site would be connected to the open space to the south, have footpath connections to Hampden Gardens and set back frontage from Wenman Road with the densest development to the north of the site.

On highways matters, the applicant has responded and advised that they will use the existing agricultural access off Wenman Road for construction traffic which will be detailed through a traffic management plan. The junction at Warren Mead was modelled in 2013 but used traffic model predictions up to 2019 which showed that the junction was working within capacity, which Highways support. The cycle and pedestrian proposals are acceptable and compliant with TNP Policy H4.

On design matters, as this is an outline application the proposals did not include style or materials, however it was considered that the proposals were policy compliant and maintained visual connections with the countryside.

On density, the Local Plan 2035, under policies STRAT5 and DES7, seeks greater density in terms of housing than what is proposed however it does take into account local circumstances. It is considered that the proposed density is acceptable as established through the TNP and given the relationship between the industrial and rural settings.

Other matters to consider included biodiversity where it was expected that there would be a notable net gain of around 20%. The applicant has stated that the open space does not have to be accessible and are proposing that the footpaths go around it. It was questioned whether this was in the spirit of the policies and SODC advised that the provision of open space should be improved. Whilst it was too early to consider footpath connectivity, it was worth mentioning to ensure it was not missed at a later stage. The proposed Sustainable Drainage System was considered to be sound. It was noted that BOC had objected given the likely noise disturbance from their business. Concern was raised that the applicant had not taken into account the noise impact from Wenman Road and the industrial estate. SODC have stated that the applicant has failed to take this into account and make adequate noise mitigation, and this is something Members may wish to consider.

The NPCO noted the responses made via SODC’s website on the application. The main objection from the residents of the Thame Park Estates related to access via Hode Garth and the capacity of the existing roads within the estate. It would be difficult to ensure domestic access via the agricultural access could be made safe, but the Town Council would welcome this being explored if possible. Other highways concerns related to a recent increase in traffic and parking as a result of the gym; debris from agricultural vehicles; damage to verges from HGV vehicles; inadequate parking, and the impact on the wider road network. Highways consider that the proposals will not significantly impact the wider road network and that the existing estate roads are operating within their capacity. The damage from HGV vehicles was an offence and parking issues were a nuisance. It was possible that the loss of 8 HGV vehicle parking spaces at the ESSO Garage may be exacerbating the issue here.

The NPCO reported that other concerns raised by the public included the impact on local infrastructure and biodiversity; lack of solar panels, electric vehicle charging points and public waste bins; the incomplete paths and allotments on the existing estates; noise disturbance from Wenman Road and construction; and that the Town Council was working to an out-of-date Neighbourhood Plan. A positive comment was made regarding the increased public pathways and open space. The NPCO advised that the only infrastructure that can be brought forward is that identified through a land use plan. As the site is part of the TNP and built into the Local Plan 2035, this was not a ground to object on. The scheme will provide sound biodiversity and provide habitats for endangered species. The builders will need to achieve a 40% reduction on carbon emissions against the 2013 Building Regulations, in line with Local Plan policy DES10, and solar panels may help to achieve this. On electric vehicle charging points, Local Plan policy TRAN5 requests the provision of charging points but it was not clear whether in practice this meant to every property or just within the site. Regarding outstanding matters on the existing Bellway site, the NPCO advised that they had recently been given a list of defects, including pathways and allotments, by SODC to resolve before the site could be signed off as complete.

A question was raised as to whether a permanent residential access off Wenman Road to this site would help to future-proof the site and avoid problems in the future? The NPCO advised that the current junctions were working now and would in the future, and an additional vehicle access for the Reserve Site C would undermine the TNP. County Highways would need to assess the safety of any new domestic access points. It was noted that the Thame Park Estates Residents Association (TPERA) had suggested a feasibility study for the additional access road, but there was a question as to who would undertake this as there was no incentive for the developer to. Furthermore, an additional access road would considerably change the site layout, dynamics of open space and possibly housing density. However, the Town Council could request that it was looked into.

It was suggested that, although this would introduce a harder edge to the estate, hedges could be planted at the verges at the Warren Mead / Wenman Road junction to mitigate the impact of noise from road traffic. The NPCO advised this was something that Thame Green Living were keen to work with TPERA on, given their expertise in this area.


  1. Thame Town Council supports this application, subject to a satisfactory provision of 2.7 ha of publicly accessible open space. The NPCO would include comments to the District Council regarding the eastern boundary treatment, noise mitigation for Wenman Road properties, improvements to the footpath network and that the Town Council would not object to an investigation on the use of the agricultural access road for permanent residential access.

15 Town Mayor Designate

Under Standing Order 7.4, the Acting Town Clerk reminded Members that in a non-election year, at the Council meeting immediately prior to the Annual Council Meeting, the Mayor designate shall be appointed for the forthcoming year.

Cllr Wyse requested that under Standing Order 6.0 the vote for this item be taken by a secret ballot.

Town Mayor, Cllr Midwinter called for nominations for the position of Town Mayor Designate. It was proposed that Cllrs Champken-Woods and Cowell be considered for the position of Town Mayor Designate. The candidates were given an opportunity to give a short speech on why they wished to be Town Mayor for 2021-22.

Cllr Champken-Woods felt post-Covid-19 lockdowns, there would be challenges that would be require listening to others to reach an agreement or compromise. It was likely that the Town Council would have a new Town Clerk and reorganisation of the structure. As an experienced Town Mayor, Cllr Champken-Woods felt he would be able to help with this. The Town Council would also be undertaking the Thame Neighbourhood Plan review and Cllr Champken-Woods felt he had experience to help with this as he was Mayor in 2012 during the referendum of the first TNP.

Cllr Cowell felt that the move back to normality would present new challenges. The report on the structural reorganisation was due shortly and would provide an interesting insight to guide the Town Council on how it decides to move forward. With regards to the TNP and Green Living Plan, there was a need to look at community and healthcare needs. The Council needed to work together as a team, with its Officers, to develop a vision and roadmap to move forward for the people of Thame. Whilst Cllr Cowell did not have experience of Town Mayor, he was experienced in leading organisations through difficult times. Cllr Cowell would be honoured to lead the journey on working together to define the future for Thame.

A secret ballot was conducted via Zoom’s polling feature and in order to facilitate this, members of the public were temporarily removed from the meeting.

On being put to the vote it was:


  1. Under Standing Order 6.0, the vote for Town Mayor Designate be taken by secret ballot.
  2. Cllr Cowell be elected Town Mayor Designate for the ensuing year.

16 Deputy Town Mayor Designate

Cllr Wyse requested that under Standing Order 6.0 the vote for this item be taken by a secret ballot.

Town Mayor, Cllr Midwinter called for nominations for the position of Town Mayor Designate. It was proposed that Cllrs Champken-Woods and Dite be considered for the position of Town Mayor Designate. The candidates were given an opportunity to give a short speech on why they wished to be Deputy Town Mayor for 2021-22.

Cllr Dite had been a long-term resident of Thame and being part of the Council had been a great honour, but he had time and energy to give more. Cllr Dite felt the current structure was not delivering and was keen to make changes to this as part of the restructuring and engage the community. Cllr Dite also had experience of leading organisations through this.

Cllr Champken-Woods referred to the points made under the previous agenda item. In addition to this, he added that he had worked with Cllr Cowell on the Community & Youth Centre and was willing to support Cllr Cowell as Town Mayor in whatever way required.

A secret ballot was conducted via Zoom’s polling feature and in order to facilitate this, members of the public were temporarily removed from the meeting.

On being put to the vote it was:


  1. Under Standing Order 6.0, the vote for Deputy Town Mayor Designate be taken by secret ballot.
  2. Cllr Champken-Woods be elected Deputy Town Mayor Designate for the ensuing year.

Cllr Emery left the meeting after this item.

With the time approaching 8:30pm, it was proposed and agreed to suspend Standing Orders in order to conclude the remaining business on the agenda.

17 Return to Physical Meetings

The report was noted. The Acting Town Clerk apologised that this had been issued at short notice. Councils were awaiting the outcome of the legal challenge to the High Court on 21 April 2021. If successful, this would allow virtual meetings to continue beyond 7 May 2021. If unsuccessful, the Acting Town Clerk proposed three options.

Firstly, that meetings continue virtually which was being suggested by other councils, despite not being permitted and there was a risk that decisions could be challenged.

Secondly, committees could meet virtually and recommend decisions to be delegated to the Acting Town Clerk within the scheme of delegation, until face-to-face meetings were deemed safe. The Annual Meeting, scheduled for 18 May 2021, must be held in person as the formal acknowledgement of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, appointment to committees, membership to working groups and outside organisations, and adoption of the power of General Competence cannot be delegated.

Thirdly, the Council could meet in person but there was still a risk of Covid-19. A risk assessment had been prepared and was attached. The Town Hall could accommodate committees in line with the risk assessment (11 Members, 2 Officers and up to 4 members of the public), however Full Council meetings would need to be held in an alternative venue. The Spread Eagle would cost approximately £200 per hire and would include room set up, although the Town Council would have to provide the audio system. St Mary’s Church was the alternative which would be on a donation-basis and not include room set up/down. It was noted that the Town Council already had six planning applications for the Planning & Environment Committee meeting on 25 May 2021, which would need to take place as scheduled.

Various safety measures were included in the risk assessment which included sanitising of surfaces, a temperature check on arrival, one table per person, face masks to be worn at all times unless speaking. For microphones, Members would be required to speak closely into it to assist with acoustics. Officers and the public would share handheld microphones. One measure suggested by another council could be to purchase a carbon dioxide monitor to check the airflow, however this was possibly unnecessary. Social distancing would need to be adhered to at all times, especially as a few Members and Officers will not have received their Covid-19 vaccine.

It was felt that the cost for hiring The Spread Eagle and room set up was reasonable. It was noted that non-contact thermometers should take the temperature from the wrist when body temperature is more stable. It was also noted that cases were low across South Oxfordshire and perhaps the carbon dioxide monitor was not required at this stage.


  1. The Annual Meeting of the Council on 18 May 2021, and all subsequent Full Council meetings whilst Covid-19 restrictions are in place, be held at The Spread Eagle.
  2. All committee meetings after 7 May 2021 to be held in the Town Hall Upper Chamber in line with the risk assessment.

18 Annual Town Meeting

The report was noted. The Acting Town Clerk advised that the preference was for the meeting to be held virtually given the difficulties of holding it in person with Covid-19 restrictions, however, as discussed under the previous agenda item, the regulations that permit virtual meetings are due to expire on 7 May 2021. The Local Government Act 1972 Part III requires that an annual parish meeting takes place between 1st March and 1st June (inclusive) each year, however there is no effective sanction if the meeting is not convened. The Council could choose not to hold the Annual Town Meeting this year and instead promote the Council’s activities over the last year via the e-newsletter.

Members felt there were various challenges to holding the Annual Town Meeting this year, and perhaps an update via the Town Council’s newsletter would be more appropriate.


  1. The Annual Town Meeting be cancelled for 2021 and an update be provided via the Town Council’s e-newsletter.

19 Allotments and Community Orchard

The Asset Manager presented the report which providing information for the Council to consider agreeing, in principle, to take on the ownership and management responsibilities for the new allotments at Hode Garth (Bellway, Site C) and allotments and community orchard at Purser Crescent (Persimmon, Site D). The Asset Manager and Acting Town Clerk had visited both sites recently with SODC Officers and identified a few outstanding matters, however it was hoped that the Practical Completion Certificates would be signed off in June / July 2021.

It was clarified that the developers have a list of people interested in taking on an allotment, and it was hoped that the Town Council would be able to help them in forming a committee to manage the allotments, similar to Stones Close Allotments Association. Initially this would involve Officer time however it was expected that once the committee was formed this would be minimal. It was confirmed that there would not be a financial implication for the Town Council, although it was noted that a commuted sum would be transferred to the Town Council for any future maintenance costs. Allotments would be allocated as fairly as possible on a first-come first-served basis as the developers’ list of interested persons was in chronological order, although the specific rules would be drawn up in due course and presented to Council for considerations.


  1. Thame Town Council agree in principle that, subject to changes in the Deed of Variation between the respective developers and South Oxfordshire District Council, and practical completion certificates being issued, the Town Council take on ownership and management responsibilities for the new allotments at Hode Garth (Bellway, Site C) and allotments and community orchard at Purser Crescent (Persimmon, Site D).

20 Thame Football Partnership

The Acting Town Clerk explained that following the confidential Council meeting on 13 November 2020, the Deed of Variation had been received from Oxfordshire County Council and, as expected, the rent to the Town Council had increased from £50 to £1,500. The Acting Town Clerk had tried to reduce this however OCC have a responsibility to ensure they charge a fair rent on the site. The Town Council was in a difficult position, but this needed to happen to enable the 3G Pitch project to proceed and retain the associated funding.


  1. The signing and sealing of the Deed of Variation from Oxfordshire County Council be approved.

21 Risk Management Policy

The Acting Town Clerk advised that the Risk Management Policy had been reviewed and was presented for re-adoption as part of good corporate governance.


  1. The updated Risk Management Policy be adopted.

22 Bledlow Household Recycling Centre

The campaigners for the re-opening of the Bledlow Household Recycling Centre had appealed to the Secretary of State against Buckinghamshire Council for non-determination of the planning application to re-open the centre. Cllr Midwinter reported that letters to the Planning Inspector had to be sent by 23 April 2021, however a decision had not been made yet. Cllr Midwinter would keep Members updated.

23 Thame Park Estates Residents Association

Members were pleased to see that the residents of the Thame Park Estates had formed a residents’ association.


  1. The Thame Park Estates Resident’s Association and their Association Rules be formally acknowledged.

24 Priest End and Oxford Road Residents Association

It was noted the Priest End and Oxford Road Residents Association had dissolved, and its surplus funds had been transferred to the Town Council.

Members regretted that the residents’ association had dissolved, especially given their key involvement in the Thame Neighbourhood Plan. The Acting Town Clerk advised that the outgoing chairman had not been able to find a volunteer to take on the role.

25 Grants

It was noted that the Grants Award Process for 2021-22 commenced on Monday 29 March 2021. The closing date to receive completed applications is 4 May 2021. The Grants Award Scheme had been advertised in the Town Council’s e-newsletter weekly and on social media too.


The meeting concluded at 9:13pm.


Signed ………………………

Chairman, 18 May 2021