21 March 2023 – Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Committee held on 21 March 2023 at 7:33pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.


Cllrs P Cowell (Town Mayor), A Dite (Deputy Mayor), M Dyer, L Emery, H Fickling, C Jones (Chairman), A Midwinter


M Sturdy, Town Clerk
G Markland, Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer (NPCO)
L Fuller, Committee Services Officer


1 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Austin (personal) and Champken-Woods (personal). Cllrs Bretherton and Richards were absent without apology.


2 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations

There were no declarations of interest.


3 Public Participation and Public Questions

There was no public participation. There were no public questions put to the Committee.


4 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2022 were approved, and signed by the Chairman. The Chairman confirmed that the minutes of the meeting on 18 October 2022 had been altered accordingly.


5 Working Groups

a) NPCC Co-Ordination Working Group (NPCCCWG)

There was nothing to report.

b) Infrastructure Delivery Plan Working Group (IDPWG)

The NPCO reported that the Government had just launched a consultation on significant changes to the Infrastructure Levy, which would see the levy based on land value. An implementation timeline of 10-years is proposed, with some areas beginning sooner as pilots. It was noted that infrastructure lags behind development, so the proposals could worsen the problem, would it be possible to receive forward-funded infrastructure levy monies? This was a valid point that could be included in the Town Council’s response. The proposals seek to address the issue that landowners do not always contribute their share towards infrastructure.

c) Green Living Plan Working Group (GLPWG)

There was nothing to report.

d) Travel Plan Working Group (TPWG)

There was nothing to report.

e) Burial Space Working Group (BSWG)

There was nothing to report.

f) Public Art Working Group (PAWG)

Members fully supported the public art proposals and the work of the PAWG, however there were a few questions regarding the logic behind the locations of the walking links to John Hampden School and Ham Wood, as they did not appear to be the most direct or commonly used routes to these locations. The purpose of the public art way markers is for people on the Lea Park estate to discover the vast network of footpaths on their doorstep, as well as highlighting the area’s history.


  1. The proposed locations of the 4-way markers be approved.
  2. The location of the bench be approved.
  3. The location of the railing’s artwork be approved.


6 Reports from Town Council Representatives

  1. Transport Representative – In the absence of Cllr Bretherton, there was nothing to report.


7 South Oxfordshire District Local Plan

The second round of consultation for the Oxford City Plan is currently open but closes in a few days. South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) have issued a statement of their position, which is available online and has been circulated to Members. Despite commenting on the first consultation, the Town Council was not notified of this latest consultation.

SODC are still working towards a preferred options consultation this summer. On their website they have published a document and interactive page showing the results of last year’s issues consultation.


8 Thame Neighbourhood Plan Revision (TNP2)

Members have received the draft Masterplanning and Design Code documents, and the draft Pre-Submission TNP2 via email. An informal meeting has been scheduled for 3 April 2023, with Members encouraged to email topics in advance. This is ahead of the draft plan being taken to Full Council on 25 April 2023. The draft plan is currently being reviewed by SODC, and with AECOM, who are preparing the Environmental Report. Subject to any final amendments and the draft plan being approved on 25 April, the next round of consultation will begin in May. Following that, and any further amendments, the plan will be submitted to SODC. There are several stages prior to referendum, which will typically take 5-7months, meaning a referendum is likely in early 2024.

Given the draft plan is 135 pages, will a summary document be produced? The NPCO advised that a video, graphic panels and short topic papers would be produced, but it was also noted that care should be taken to not summarise too much that the plan as a whole is lost. Members suggested that copies could be available in the library, town hall and gyms, as well as hold online briefings at convenient times. The feedback from the Annual Town Meeting was that residents wanted better communication from the Town Council, which could be achieved by taking the information to them. Members felt there is always room to improve and increase engagement and representation. However, it was noted that the previous consultation had generated an excellent response, and that additional engagement would have resource implications. The referendum campaign last time was successful due to being very visible, and the creation of a YouTube video. This would be shared with the Council’s new Communications & Events Officer to get started on ahead of the referendum.


9 Affordable Housing / Community Land Trust (CLT)

Cllr Austin had advised he would circulate an update via email.


The meeting concluded at 8:05pm.

Signed ………………………
Chairman, 2 May 2023