10 December 2024 – Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 10 December 2024 at 6:30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.
Cllrs M Baines (Deputy Chairman – Acting Chairman), D Dawson (Deputy Town Mayor), D Dodds, L Emery, C Jones, S McGarry, H Richards and P Swan
G Markland, Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer
1) Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Gilbert (personal).
It was agreed to accept the apologies and reason given from Cllr Gilbert (personal).
2) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
Cllr Richards entered during this item.
Cllr Emery declared an interest in Item 5 – planning application P24/S3587/FUL – 22 Cedar Crescent as a resident of the Chiltern Vale estate. This was not a pecuniary interest and did not preclude Cllr Emery from debating or voting on this item.
Cllr Baines declared an interest in Item 6 as a trustee of Thame Barns Centre and did not debate on this item.
3) Public Participation and Public Questions
Cllr Swan entered during this item.
The planning agent for planning application P24/S3587/FUL – 22 Cedar Crescent spoke in support of the application. The main objection from neighbouring residents relates to the proposal being out of character. The two gables are a prominent part of the proposal. The ridge of the left-hand gable would sit 0.5metres lower than the existing ridge, whilst the right-hand gable would see a 0.9metre increase on the existing ridge. The principal bedrooms are on the ground floor, with the proposal designed for ground-floor living. The agent notes several precedents in the area of property extensions to accommodate first floor living. Overlooking is not considered to be an issue. Whilst the flooding concerns in the area are noted, the development site is at low risk of flooding and permeable materials will be used where possible. The property provides sufficient and usable parking spaces.
Clarification was sought on the increase in ridge height in relation to the way the land rises. 22 Cedar Crescent is the end of a row of detached properties and sits on the highest land of this row, with the land gradually rising.
Clarification was sought on measures to manage surface water flooding. As part of building regulations, a drainage design will need to be done to demonstrate how surface water can be accommodated. A landscaping plan will also be created but is not required at this stage.
Members then discussed and made a recommendation regarding planning application P24/S3587/FUL – 22 Cedar Crescent.
4) Minutes
The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 12 November 2024 were received.
- The minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.
5) Planning Applications
a) Members were asked to consider and agree a response for each of the following planning applications:
Proposed granny annex extension for ancillary use of main dwelling with associated internal and external works. (As per amended plans received 20 November 2024).
Neighbourhood Plan Policies: H6, GA6, ESDQ16, ESDQ27, ESDQ28, ESDQ29
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES5, DES6, DES7, DES8, EP3, H12, H16, H20, INF1, TRANS5
- To support planning application P24/S2577/HH – Amendment No.1.
Two-storey side extension with undercroft parking and single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear conservatory.
Neighbourhood Plan Policies: H6, GA6, ESDQ15, ESDQ16, ESDQ17, ESDQ18, ESDQ19, ESDQ20, ESDQ26, ESDQ28, ESDQ29
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES2, DES3, DES5, DES6, DES7, DES8, ENV6, ENV8, H20, TRANS5
- To support planning application P24/S3534/HH.
Demolition of an existing bungalow and replacement with a new self-build dwelling.
Neighbourhood Plan Policies: H6, GA6, ESDQ15, ESDQ16, ESDQ17, ESDQ18, ESDQ19, ESDQ26, ESDQ27, ESDQ28, ESDQ29, CPQ1, CPQ8
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES2, DES3, DES5, DES6, DES7, DES8, EP3, H12, H18, H20, INF1, TH1, TRANS2, TRANS4, TRANS5
It was noted that the Town Council has been in detailed discussions with the District’s Drainage Engineers and local residents regarding flooding in Cedar Crescent
- To support planning application P24/S3587/FUL:
- The Town Council notes the ongoing flooding issues in this area and wishes to make the District Council Planning Officers aware of the surface water flood risk from this development on other properties.
b) Members were asked to receive and comment on the Officer’s recommendations for the following planning applications:
- To approve Officer recommendations as listed below:
Single storey side / rear extension.
Agreed response: Supports
Erection of a side and rear extension and widening of the driveway.
Agreed response: Supports subject to no objection from the Highways Officer.
First floor side extension over the existing garage.
Agreed response: Supports
Installation of air source heat pump
Agreed response: Supports subject to no objection from Environmental Protection.
Clock advertisement display feature
P24 /S3785/A
Agreed response: Supports
6) Proposed Parking Restrictions – Consultation
Oxfordshire County Council are consulting on making changes to on-street parking restrictions within the centre of Thame, in order to help manage residential parking whilst also improving access to amenities. Changes are proposed on Church Road, Ludsden Grove, Lupton Road, Church Road, and Chinnor Road and North Street.
The Town Council supports the proposed parking restrictions on Lupton Road to reduce issues of parked vehicles blocking access.
The Town Council supports the proposed parking restrictions on Ludsden Grove to encourage sustainable travel to Barley Hill School.
The Town Council raises concerns that the proposed parking restrictions on Church Road may cause problems for hearses accessing the church.
7) Proposed Disabled Persons Parking Places (DPPPs) – Consultation
Oxfordshire County Council are consulting on providing additional ‘Disabled Persons Parking Places’ (and remove ones no longer required). The proposals are being put forward in response to increased local demand for parking, specifically for those with a permanent and substantial disability such that walking is not possible or presents very considerable difficulty for distances more than 100m.
In Thame, the only proposed change is a new DPPP at Ireton Court (West side, outside No. 22).
The Town Council has no objections to make on this consultation.
8) Community Bus Working Group
The report was noted.
- To agree that the CBWG can return to the Planning Committee with a proposal for the Terms of Reference for a new Working Group which will be responsible for moving forward the work proposed above.
9) Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) Working Group
The report was noted.
The outcome of the steering group meeting is that the consultants will be analysing the data and establishing the best options and hotspots, including walking and cycling the routes.
The committee noted progress seemed slow. The next stage is due to complete in early 2025.
10) For Information
The items for information were noted.
The meeting concluded at 7:10pm.
Signed ……………………..
Chairman, 14 January 2025