14 January 2025 – Minutes
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 14 January 2025 at 6:30pm in the Upper Chamber, Thame Town Hall.
Cllrs M Baines (Chairman), D Dawson (Deputy Town Mayor), D Dodds, L Emery, A Gilbert (Town Mayor), S McGarry (Deputy Chairman), H Richards and P Swan
G Markland, Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer
L Fuller, Committee Services & Processes Officer
1) Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Jones (personal).
2) Chairman
It was moved and duly seconded that Cllr Baines be appointed Chairman. There being no other nominations it was:
- To appoint Cllr Baines as Chair of the Planning Committee.
The committee expressed their thanks to Cllr Baines for stepping up as Acting Chairman since November.
3) Deputy Chairman
The Chairman called for nominations for Deputy Chairman.
It was moved and duly seconded that Cllr McGarry be appointed Deputy Chairman. There being no other nominations it was:
- To appoint Cllr McGarry as Deputy Chair of the Planning Committee.
4) Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
There were no declarations of interest.
5) Public Participation and Public Questions
There was no public participation.
There were no public questions put to the Committee.
6) Minutes
The Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 10 December 2024 were received.
- The minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2024 are confirmed as a correct record, and signed by the Chairman.
7) Planning Applications
a) Members were asked to consider and agree a response for each of the following planning applications:
1937 – Unit 5 Goodson Industrial Mews, Wellington Street
Conversion of the existing vacant offices and workshop into four town houses, to include a two storey extension.
Neighbourhood Plan Policies: H5, H6, WS12, GA6, ESDQ11, ESDQ12, ESDQ13, ESDQ14, ESDQ15, ESDQ16, ESDQ17, ESDQ18, ESDQ19, ESDQ20, ESDQ27, ESDQ28, ESDQ29, D1
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES2, DES3, DES5, DES6, DES7, DES8, EMP3, ENV8, EP3, H3, H9, H11, H12, H16, INF1, STRAT1, TH1, TRANS2, TRANS4, TRANS5
- Thame Town Council objects to planning application P24/S3235/FUL on the grounds:
- The proposal would lead to the loss of on-street car parking, contrary to TNP2 Policy CPQ7.
- There would be a loss of established trees from the frontage, contrary to TNP2 Policy NEB1.
- The applicant has failed to propose an adequate solution for secure bicycle parking, contrary to 2035 Local Plan Policy DES1 and existing TNP Policy ESDQ27.
- The proposed private amenity space falls below the requirements of the District’s Design Guidance and Thame’s Design Codes.
1940 – M Newitt & Sons, 10 High Street
Changes to front facade only, the entrance doors will be replaced, masonry walls/windows re-decorated, existing signage removed and the gutters and downpipes replaced.
Neighbourhood Plan Policies: H6, WS5, WS7, WS12, WS13, ESDQ15, ESDQ16, ESDQ17, ESDQ18, ESDQ19, ESDQ20, ESDQ26
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES2, DES3, DES7, DES8, EMP3, ENV6, ENV7, ENV8, TC5
- To support planning application P24/S3960/FUL:
- Subject to no objection from the Heritage Officer.
1941 – M Newitt & Sons, 10 High Street
Changes to front facade only, the entrance doors will be replaced, masonry walls/windows re-decorated, existing signage removed and the gutters and downpipes replaced.
Neighbourhood Plan Policies: H6, WS5, WS7, WS12, WS13, ESDQ15, ESDQ16, ESDQ17, ESDQ18, ESDQ19, ESDQ20, ESDQ26
SODC Local Plan Policies: DES1, DES2, DES3, DES7, DES8, EMP3, ENV6, ENV7, ENV8, TC5
- To support planning application P24/S3961/LB:
- Subject to no objection from the Heritage Officer
b) Members were asked to receive and comment on the Officer’s recommendations for the following planning applications.
- To accept the officer recommendations as listed below.
1934 – 6 Roman Way
Proposed single storey rear extension and partial garage conversion.
Agreed response: Supports, however the loss of the garage for its original purpose is regrettable.
1935 – 1 Elms Road
Removal of existing flat roof and replacement with new pitched roof. Relocating the front door. Partial cladding of elevations in timber cladding. New windows and doorsets. Garage conversion.
Agreed response: Supports.
1936 – 30 Orchard Close
Single storey rear extension.
Agreed response: Supports.
1938 – Moreton Farm Barn, Moreton
Extension to existing detached car port building.
Agreed response: Supports.
1942 – 17 Chinnor Road
Proposed side/rear extension providing additional habitable accommodation at ground floor level and basement floor level
Agreed response: Supports.
1943 – 109 High Street
Listed building consent for the installation of five double glazed UPVC windows that were installed around April 2006 to the rear of the premises, plus the addition of three internal partition walls (retrospective).
Agreed response: Supports subject to no objection from the Heritage Officer.
8) Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) Working Group
The report was noted.
Whilst Thame’s LCWIP will not include the Haddenham-Thame Greenway, it was noted that Thame’s MP had raised the matter of funding for rural cycling in parliament recently, although there was little information available about the project itself.
9) Community Bus Working Group
It was noted that there was no progress since the last meeting.
10) For Information
The items for information were noted.
Regarding Item 10d, whilst a fence had been replaced, the replacement fence was longer and included a gateway without permission. The removal of the hedge had caused particular upset given the setting of the Conservation Area.
Regarding Item 10e, there was some discussion on the Government’s informal consultation on changes to Planning Committees. It was noted that the District Council may be incorporated into a Unitary / Mayoral authority under a separate Government initiative, which may change the planning process locally and supersede proposed planning committee changes. it was also noted that the proposals did not provide clarity on the role of town and parish councils.
Regarding Item 10g, the Neighbourhood Plan Continuity Officer provided background on the Town Council’s previous comments, which related to highways safety concerns. Whilst the applicant has since submitted large amounts of data, it would be beyond the Town Council’s remit to understand the detail particularly as this application is not within the parish boundary.
The meeting concluded at 7:03pm.
Signed ……………………..
Chairman, 11 February 2025