
Thame Town Council considers all planning applications relating to the parish of Thame, which includes the neighbouring village of Moreton. Most applications are considered by the Planning Committee, however large-scale, strategic or contentious applications will be considered by Full Council.
The Town Council will review each application against the policies in the Thame Neighbourhood Plan and make a recommendation for approval or refusal which will be submitted to the local planning authority, South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC). This recommendation will subsequently be included in the Case Officer’s report. Where the Town Council’s view is contrary to the Case Officer’s recommendation, the application can be called in to the SODC Planning Committee for determination, otherwise the Case Officer will determine the application under delegated powers.

Staying Up to Date
You can find out what applications will be considered by the Planning Committee by viewing the agendas.
Agendas, including those of the Planning Committee, are displayed on our website, the notice board in Montesson Square 3 full working days prior to the meeting and published in the Town Council’s weekly e-newsletter (you can sign-up to our e-newsletter here). Our meetings are usually held on Tuesdays, with agendas published on the Wednesday prior.
If you are an immediate neighbour of an applicant, you should receive written notification from South Oxfordshire District Council detailing where you can go to view the application and how you can make your views known.
Viewing Planning Applications
You can view electronic copies of each planning application via the South Oxfordshire District Council’s Planning website.
The Town Council no longer receive a paper copy of planning applications from SODC.
SODC do not hold any paper copies of ‘minor’ or ‘other’ applications (this covers all Householder applications). If you require a paper document or need further assistance please contact the SODC Planning Team on 01235 422600, or write to South Oxfordshire District Council, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Milton, OX14 4SB.

Supporting or Opposing a Planning Application
Residents are encouraged to advise the Town Council of any concerns that they might have regarding planning proposals that they feel affect them. Letters in support or against an application should be sent to the planning department at South Oxfordshire District Council, however, we request that copies also be forwarded to Thame Town Council via
As with all Thame Town Council Planning Committee meetings, members of the public have the opportunity to express their opinion in person to the committee members. Those in support of an application will have a combined time of 5 minutes to present their argument, likewise for those who are against an application. Please note, you must apply in advance to speak at a committee meeting. Please read the leaflet below for further information on how you can apply to speak.
Pre-application Advice
If you are considering submitting a planning application and would like guidance on how to ensure your project adheres to the policies of the Thame Neighbourhood Plan, please contact Thame Town Council on 01844 212833
General pre-application advice and all other planning enquiries should be directed to South Oxfordshire District Council who are the Planning Authority and can be contacted on 01235 422600.